A devastating incident has shaken a family and a community to its core. Three-year-old Josiah Toleafoa’s life was cruelly cut short on his birthday, a day meant for celebration and joy.
At Play City, where Josiah and his family attended a kids’ party, a horrific accident occurred. A car struck Josiah in the indoor parking lot, leaving his loved ones and witnesses in shock.
Despite paramedics’ best efforts, Josiah was pronounced dead at Rady Children’s Hospital. The family is now grappling with unimaginable grief.
An investigation is underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the accident. The driver, a 36-year-old man, cooperated with authorities and was not under the influence.
To support Josiah’s parents during this difficult time, a GoFundMe campaign has been set up to cover funeral costs. Josiah’s aunt, Tatiana Toleafoa, described him as a happy child with a contagious smile.
The community has rallied around the family, with Play City’s owner and landlord donating $4,000 to the GoFundMe campaign.
Our hearts go out to Josiah’s family during this unbearable loss. We offer our sincerest condolences and ask that you remember them in your thoughts.