In the quaint town of Kewaskum, Wisconsin, a local Dairy Queen restaurant has found itself at the center of a heated controversy. The storm began brewing when a message displayed on the restaurant’s front window was shared online, sparking a fierce debate about inclusivity and freedom of expression.
The sign, which proudly proclaims the restaurant’s commitment to traditional holiday greetings and expressions of gratitude to veterans, has been a fixture on the window for nearly four years. Restaurant owner Kevin Scheunemann explains that the sign was erected in response to a customer complaint about Christian music playing in the restaurant. Since then, the sign has been a non-issue – until now.
The controversy reignited when an Oregon tourist posted a picture of the sign on Facebook, sparking a heated discussion about its message. While some people have come out in support of the sign, others have criticized it for being exclusionary. Local business owners have rallied around Scheunemann, arguing that customers are free to take their business elsewhere if they disagree with the sign’s message.
Dairy Queen’s corporate office has weighed in on the controversy, emphasizing that Scheunemann’s approach does not reflect the company’s official stance. The company stresses the importance of treating all customers with respect, regardless of their religious beliefs. As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: this small town Dairy Queen has sparked a big conversation about the role of faith and inclusivity in public life.