A recent marine rescue mission on the Romanian coast left tourists in awe. A wounded dolphin, identified as the Delphinus Delphis species, emerged from the sea, having sustained multiple injuries likely caused by entanglement in fishermen’s nets. This dramatic event serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of protecting our marine ecosystems and the incredible creatures that inhabit them.
The Black Sea, with its unique blend of freshwater and saltwater, is home to three notable species of marine mammals: the Common dolphin, the Bottlenose dolphin, and the Harbor porpoise. Each of these species brings its own distinct characteristics to the waters. While the Bottlenose dolphin and Harbor porpoise tend to stick to coastal areas, feeding on fish and other organisms, the Common dolphin prefers the offshore zones, feasting on fish suspended in the water column.
The Common dolphin, with its sleek, bluish-gray to brown coloration and distinctive V-shaped light lateral boundary, is a sight to behold. These dolphins are not only fashionistas of the sea but also incredibly agile, reaching swimming speeds of up to 50 km/h. They are social creatures, often seen in groups of 10-15 individuals, and are renowned for their acrobatic leaps and playful nature.
Despite their impressive abilities, Common dolphins are sensitive to the harsh effects of chemical and acoustic pollution. They are, in essence, the environmental activists of the sea, highlighting the importance of preserving our marine ecosystems. These dolphins are also incredibly intelligent, reaching sexual maturity at just 2 years old and living up to 25-30 years in the wild.
Their diet consists mainly of small pelagic fish, and they have been known to dine on a variety of other seafood delicacies. With a daily food intake of approximately 10 kg, these dolphins are truly gourmets of the sea. As we continue to learn more about these incredible creatures, it becomes increasingly clear that they deserve our protection and conservation efforts.
The Black Sea, with its rich biodiversity and unique marine residents, is a treasure trove of wonders waiting to be discovered. As we move forward, it is essential that we prioritize the protection of our marine ecosystems and the incredible creatures that call them home. By doing so, we can ensure that future generations will continue to be inspired by the majesty of the Black Sea’s marine residents.