The holiday season brought joyous news for Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Ainsley Earhardt, as they announced their engagement. The proposal took place at their church, surrounded by family and filled with the spirit of faith that has been a cornerstone of their relationship.
Sean Hannity, 62, and Ainsley Earhardt, 48, have been quietly dating for several years. Despite their busy schedules and living in different states, they have made their relationship work. Earhardt co-hosts “Fox & Friends” in New York, while Hannity is based in Florida.
The couple’s children are thrilled about the engagement, and their families have been incredibly supportive. In a joint statement, Hannity and Earhardt expressed their gratitude, saying, “We are overjoyed and so thankful to our families for all of their love and support during this wonderful time in our lives.”
This will be the third marriage for Earhardt and the second for Hannity. Both have children from previous marriages, but they have emphasized that their blended families get along well. In fact, they informed their previous spouses about the engagement before making the public announcement.
As they prepare to start this new chapter in their lives, Hannity and Earhardt are committed to continuing their work at Fox News. Their engagement is a testament to the deepening of their shared faith and family values. With their love and support for each other, they are ready to take on this new journey together.