When Karma Strikes Back: 12 Stories of Perfect Payback

Karma has a way of balancing the scales when least expected. These 12 stories showcase moments where life clapped back with perfect timing, delivering justice in the most unexpected ways. From petty theft to rude behavior, these tales prove that what goes around truly comes around.

One man proposed to his girlfriend at a family gathering, only for her to publicly shame him over the ring’s size. Heartbroken, he cut ties with her. Weeks later, her father called, begging him to stop her from marrying a much older man. Realizing he was better off without her, he hung up, feeling karma had done its job.

Another story involves a man who, in his younger years, dated women in committed relationships. Years later, after marrying and having a child, his wife cheated on him with three different men. The irony wasn’t lost on him—karma had come full circle.

From a rude woman spilling spaghetti on herself after cutting in line to a lunch thief suffering the consequences of their actions, these stories remind us that karma always finds a way to restore balance.

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