When a daughter’s words reveal family secrets, this book goes beyond the surface.

A girl who was 19 years old always wanted to be the centre of attention and was a big fan of being the centre of attention. To stay in the news, she often pretended to be hurt and made trouble by telling lies about other people. But she told a shocking truth one day when they were arguing about money.

Her father, who is on Reddit, said that he asked random people for help on the “AITA” site when he was having trouble with something. He wanted to know if he had done something wrong when he responded to the upsetting realisation that came from his daughter’s statement.

How did OP find out that he was really the father of his daughter?
The 39-year-old original poster (OP) had his daughter when he was twenty years old. She was always looking for attention and would do anything to be the centre of attention. OP told his daughter several times not to do that, but she didn’t listen.

The daughter’s father finally gave up trying to heal her. She still had her regular outbursts, but the real problem started when she asked OP for $200 so she and her friends could go shopping.

OP replied that he had already given her enough money for the month and would not listen to her. The daughter knew that begging wouldn’t help, so she tried something different and quietly told the person what she thought.

When they got angry, she yelled at OP and told him it didn’t make sense for her mother to marry a rich man who wouldn’t give her money. At some point, OP had enough. She answered, calling him “her father” instead of “some ATM” that she could use whenever she wanted.

In a fit of anger, she called him “nothing more than an ATM to her” because he wasn’t her real father. The father was shocked and worriedly asked where her thought came from.

The girl tried very hard to hide what she said because she was afraid she said something wrong right away. Of course, OP thought her statement sounded fishy and told her she would be kicked out if she didn’t explain what she meant. A short time later, OP’s daughter told everyone the truth.

What did OP say when they found out the truth?
She told her father when she turned eighteen. Her mother decided she “needed to know the truth” and told her she had cheated on her with three other men before she got pregnant. The mother was sure that OP wasn’t her father because he always used protection during private times.

Their lavish lifestyle was paid for by OP, so his wife and daughter decided not to tell him about it. After a very heated fight with his wife, OP was very upset and chose to fire them. Even so, he gave the girl $200 because she didn’t have a job.

After setting everything on fire, the girl went back to him and asked for more money. OP was very angry, and he only agreed to help her if she would let him do a DNA test on her. OP went ahead with the test after she agreed to it. The tests eventually proved that he wasn’t her father.

All of this happened in such a short amount of time that the father was heartbroken. His in-laws and family asked him to forgive them, but he refused. He also didn’t want to make up with his daughter for keeping him in the dark. Reddit users said what they thought.

What Did People Say on Reddit?
He asked someone on Reddit for psychological support by writing, “They are all blowing me up right now trying to get me to change my mind, so AITA?” People on Reddit who didn’t want to be named said that OP wasn’t at fault after looking into the situation.

The most-liked comment on the post said, “It seems the daughter chose not to see you as a father figure.” This meant that the original poster should stop talking to both his wife and her daughter. That’s possible because she said that to be mean and because she’s mad that you didn’t give her money.

A user was one of many who said that the OP’s wife and daughter were taking advantage of him financially. “Get a good lawyer and move your money to a different account that your spouse can’t get to.” “Go ahead and fire your stepdaughter,” the person said.

It turned out that the child OP had raised for 19 years—thinking she was his—was actually someone else’s. He still wasn’t giving up on her, though. “Even if things are very bad, I will not leave a little girl in the city who is helpless,” he said. I will still help, but I won’t be able to get her back or give her nearly as much money as I used to.

Things to think about:

What if you learned that the child you kicked out is not really yours? Would you try to make things right with them?

When the pregnancy test showed that OP was not the girl’s father, he and her mother were kicked out of the school. Even though OP admitted that he had helped the unemployed girl with money, he was firm about staying away from her. Would you act the same way if you were the dad?

Do you think that OP’s daughter was made to take responsibility for her mother’s cheating?

OP kicked his wife out of his life and home when he found out she had cheated on him with three other men. He also kicked out the girl he thought was his daughter in return. Even though the girl isn’t genetically related to him because she wasn’t the reason her mother cheated on her husband, would you tell the OP to give her a fair chance to show that she is still his daughter? When you find out that the child you raised belongs to someone else, does the love you had for them fade away?

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