A lot of Dollar General employees quit at the same time because they said they weren’t appreciated.

The staff at Dollar General quit all at once because they felt “lacked value.”

The Mineral Point, Wisconsin Dollar General store has temporarily shut down because all of its employees walked off the job at the same time. Trina Tribolet and five other workers decided to quit at the same time at the end of their shifts on Friday. Tribolet had been the general manager for almost a year. Members of the organization told the store’s front desk that they were quitting by leaving notes.

Tribolet spoke up and said, “This is something we’ve been talking about for the past couple of months.” Saying more, she said, “This weekend was my first time off since Christmas, and it was until Friday night when we walked away.”

At Dollar General, everyone quit at the same time, and the shop had to close for a while.
When asked why they were leaving, Tribolet said it was because they were having problems with low pay and too much work. She talked about her own experience in more depth, saying that she had been working every day for a few months at that point. This might have something to do with the fact that she was only able to give her team a certain number of paid hours. In response to their exit, Tribolet plans to take a break for her mental health, while her former coworkers have found new jobs.

Tribolet said it was hard to make the choice to leave, especially since they had built relationships with regular customers who counted on the business while they were there. She brought up the point that the group wants credit for their work. We loved having the same people every day because they made our days so much better and brought us huge amounts of happiness. While making his comment, Tribolet said that it is hard for everyone to stop having those contacts.

Speaking for the company, a spokesman said that the Dollar General store was closed for about three hours on Saturday morning because many workers quit. Because of that, the shop has hired more new people since then.

An official from Dollar General said, “We are committed to creating a work environment that supports career growth and makes employees feel valued and believed in.”

Even though Tribolet brought up a number of problems he had while working at the company, the policy on food gifts was what made the difference in the end. Dollar General tried to give food, but she was worried about how much was being thrown away. She said that because the company had strict rules about donations, only a small amount of the extra food was given to people who were in need.

As Tribolet thought about the effects of these rules, he shared his thoughts: “It is heartbreaking to throw away things like coffee that hasn’t gone bad or a box of Lucky Charms that could make many kids happy just because the rules say you have to.” In response, Dollar General’s public relations team said again that they would follow the giving rules set by Feeding America. At first glance, this makes it look like the company is following the rules that have been set up for food gifts.

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