A man who was made fun of for being with a 252-pound woman has the right answer to shut the haters up.

The best thing a man can say to people who make fun of his relationship with a 252-pound woman

The story of Matt and Brittany Montgomery’s love is strong and should inspire us to stick to what we believe in.

People don’t like the pair because they are different sizes, but they love each other very much. Matt and Brittany met on Facebook in August 2020 and fell deeply in love, even though they were very different in looks.

Brittany had a past of having trouble fitting in because she was plus-size. She met two kinds of men: those who wanted her to lose weight and those who liked the way her curves looked. Because of this, she stopped giving herself any chance of finding love. But fate had something else in mind for her.

Not everyone agrees with Matt and Brittany’s love story. An awful lot of people on Instagram say that Matt isn’t big or manly enough for her. But the couple doesn’t let what other people say affect how strongly they feel about each other.

Matt wants Brittany to be happy and accepts her for who she is. He tells everyone that he loves her and that they are meant to be together. They want to get rid of the negative stereotypes about mixed-weight marriages.

Matt and Brittany had their first child, Lakelyn, in March 2022. In September 2023, they said they would be having another child.

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