6 Signs He Doesn’t See You As A Serious Partner

Some people say that women are hard to understand. We don’t agree, though. I agree that men are much harder to read because they send so many mixed messages. These are some very clear signs that he’s not really interested in you.

1. He won’t say what the connection is.

Are you seeing someone? Are you going out? If the guy you’re seeing won’t talk about the relationship, even though you’ve tried a few times, it doesn’t matter how easy or complicated it is. That being said, it’s clear that he doesn’t want the responsibility that comes with names.

2. He doesn’t trust you to use his phone.

That’s possible—he might want to keep his privacy—but he would say so and not look bad about it. He might still be using dating apps or just be sending flirty messages to girls on a daily basis, which is another reason he doesn’t want you to look through his phone. He could also still have a whole gallery of shots of his ex. That does happen.

3. He has no idea who your best friend is

We’re sure he won’t forget the name of your best friend if he likes you and wants to be with you. If he does, that means he did not pay attention to you most of the time, which is not a good sign.

4. You don’t know his close friends.

This is another bad sign that he doesn’t want to be with you long-term. He hasn’t put you in touch with his “bros.” In this case, the only good reason would be if none of his best friends live in the same place as you. Even then, if he hasn’t told you everything about them or planned to meet them in the future… Most likely, he doesn’t plan to stay for long.

5. He calls you only when he wants to meet up.

His words of “I miss you” and “how was your day?” are never heard. He only calls when he wants to “hang out” or “make a scene.” For the same reason, he’s sometimes afraid to call it a date. Girls, what does this mean?

6. He doesn’t show up for things that aren’t dates

Whenever you want to meet him, he’s always busy and doesn’t like going on trips with other people.

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