8 Things Wise Women Never Demand From Their Partners

Relationships don’t always work out for a number of reasons. One common mistake people make in relationships is thinking that their partner owes them something from the start. This can happen to both men and women. A relationship that works depends on both people trusting and respecting each other, which includes knowing and respecting each other’s limits.

8 things that smart women don’t expect from their partners:

1. She doesn’t take him away from his friends and family.

Being between her partner and his family or friends is not something a smart woman will do. She knows that he is not required to cut ties with them on her account, even though she feels strongly about them.

Because she knows how important his relationships are, a smart woman doesn’t put down or push away his loved ones, because she knows that doing so would hurt him emotionally in the long run.

2. She does not tell him to give up what he loves.

A wise woman doesn’t ask her partner to give up his hobbies, whether they are surfing, hunting, drawing, traveling, or playing in a band. Taking away someone’s love can make them lose their energy. A smart woman knows that if she asks her partner to give up his hobbies so they can spend more time together, he will be upset.

3. She doesn’t tell him to take care of her.

Some women think that their partner will take care of all their costs, cook for them, keep them busy, and always be with them. A smart woman can take care of herself. She likes it when men want to take care of her, but she never tells them to. She is more than able to take care of herself.

4. She doesn’t attempt to alter him.

Accepting your partner as they are, flaws and all, is an important part of a healthy partnership. A smart woman lets her partner be himself and loves him for who he is, even if that means letting his annoying habits and quirks show. She doesn’t try to change him into someone else.

5. She doesn’t tell him to block out other women.

A lot of people feel jealousy sometimes, and controlling those feelings can be hard. But building trust is the first step in the process. When a woman is wise, she trusts her partner and doesn’t demand that he stop talking to other women. She shows that she trusts their relationship by not jumping to conclusions or losing control when she thinks about other women.

6. She stays inside his lines.

When people are in relationships, they usually set limits. In a relationship, a smart woman knows her partner’s limits and shows respect by not crossing them. She doesn’t make fun of or question his views. There are times when she reads his texts and emails without him seeing. She also doesn’t just show up to his work meeting.

7. She doesn’t make him share his interests.

It’s not smart for a woman to force her partner to include her in all of his activities. For example, if Wednesday night is agreed upon as poker night with the guys, she knows and agrees with that. In this case, she doesn’t mind that her partner and his brother are going to see a band they really like. She knows that you don’t have to share certain hobbies with your partner to have a good relationship.

8. She Doesn’t Need All Of His Time

There is a smart woman who knows how important she is to her partner. His family, friends, sports, and job are also important to him. She loves being with her partner, but she doesn’t need all of his attention all the time. She knows that for their relationship to be happy and healthy, they don’t have to be together all the time.

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