Moving On: An 84-Year-Old Mom’s Sad and Happy Ending

The mother, who was 84 years old at the time, shocked her children a great deal when she said she was going to sell their house and move into a care home. At this point, though, it became clear that the nursing home was not where she had planned to move.

They would do anything to make their kids happy, like Edith Grey and Terrence, her husband. There was nothing more important to them than their kids, and they would do anything to make them happy. It only made sense that they never left their son Lewis and daughter Addison out of anything.

But when the kids got old enough to take care of their parents, they still thought of them as a burden.

“Mom, stop bothering me all the time!” And when Addison called Edith one day, she yelled at her. I’m now part of a family! I’m also going to have a baby soon. I don’t have time to listen to your useless going on and on.

The other thing is, honey, I just wanted to know how you and Josh are today. Not what I meant to do—”

Mom, is that true? Stop acting like you feel sorry for other people all the time! You would not have put us in this one-room apartment without any other needs being met if you really cared about us. The house is all yours and your dad’s, but have you ever thought about letting us stay with you?

“But, Addison, you never bothered to ask about it.” Based on what I knew, you didn’t want to live with us. In fact, you were the one who wanted to leave the most!

Things like this happened when I was in school, mom. At the moment, I’m taking care of my kids, and Josh and I are having a tough time making ends meet. I would really like to move in there! Are you pleased with your present state? Obviously, I asked about it!

Edith paused and then said, “Well, honey,” Being aware of how strict her daughter was made her question whether or not it would be a good idea to have Addison and her husband over. When she and Josh finally found a spot in the house that worked for them, they would move in right away and never leave.

On the other hand, Edith was worried about her second grandchild, who was due in a few months. She thought that Addison being a bit needy and spoiled wouldn’t be too much of a problem for her.

She said, “Okay, Addison.” Say, “I know.” “You can move in if you want to.”

Thank you very much. She picked up the phone and told him, “I’ll talk to Josh tonight and let you know when we’ll be there.”

Terrence told Edith that he was glad that Addison would be staying close to them during this time as they talked about what had happened later. He reassured her that everything would be fine and that they would be able to spend more time with their grandkids and get to know them better.

Please don’t worry, pretty. “Everything is going to be okay!” he said.

Edith, on the other hand, thought things might not go as planned. Besides that, she was right.

After Addison and Josh moved in two months ago, Terrence had a heart attack and died. In the morning, Edith tried to wake him up but found that he was already asleep. Even though she cried her heart out, nothing changed. Since Terrence had left, she had to move on.

However, Addison and Josh did not do anything to make Edith feel better after Terrence’s death, leaving her feeling very lonely. They were so busy with their own lives that they couldn’t ask about her health or determine if she needed anything. After that, her son Lewis called. He didn’t ask about her health or anything else, but he did tell her he missed her.

In response, he said, “Well, mom.” Natasha, my wife, and I are getting ready to get married next month. Indian is where her family is from, and they are very excited to finally meet you. From my side, I miss you, mom. Could you please find some time for us this weekend?

Even though Edith was still upset about Terrence’s death, she did what Lewis asked because she wanted to make him happy. As planned, the wedding was to take place at a fancy setting in Florida, where Lewis worked. The meeting between the two families went very well. But a month after getting married, he asked his mother for something strange. She had to do something for him.

He called her and said, “Hey, mom.” Since I had to move, I was wondering if Natasha and I could stay in my dad’s old house. Since Addison and Josh are already living with you, the house would get too crowded. That place shouldn’t be for rent, I really hope… In other words, wouldn’t it be better if we could just move there instead of giving it to someone we don’t know?

Okay, fine…That’s the first house your dad and I bought together, so I’m not sure if I want to rent it out. However, Lewis, why did you decide so quickly to transfer? I thought you really loved Florida.

Lewis reluctantly said, “Ugh, mom.” We had some plans in the works. Natasha always wanted to start her own business, and as part of my job, I had to—”

“Now you see, Lewis…” Edith was about to say something when she heard Natasha tell Lewis to be quiet on the phone, but he cut her off. They were planning to come back because, after more research, they found out that he had been fired from his job.

With Addison and Josh, Edith had had enough, and she was ready to turn down what Lewis had to offer. But if she didn’t follow the rules, he would bring up Addison and Josh and cause a lot of trouble, which she couldn’t handle, so she gave in and agreed to them.

It looked like everything was going as planned for a while after Natasha and Lewis moved back into their old house. In any case, Edith had just finished giving birth when Addison did.

Additionally, she was 84 years old and still worked on the small farm she owned with Terrence. She was also in charge of caring for Addison’s new baby. Something about it made her feel like she couldn’t handle it anymore, and it was affecting her health. There was something wrong with her, and she begged Addison and Lewis to take her to the doctor.

Lewis replied, “Sorry, mom. Nat and I are busy with something, so we can’t.” Ask Addison and Josh first!”

On the other hand, Addison and Josh had already turned down her offer, saying they were going to a friend’s party and would make time for it later. The news came out that Edith was going to move into a care home after selling everything she owned. She made this choice when she saw that her kids didn’t seem to care about her. She told everyone about it while dinner was being served.

“All right, kids,” she said, and then she was gone. By now, you should know how to stand up straight. It’s time now. This is my last message because your mother has already done everything she can. I’m going to sell the houses and move into a nursing home, where I will be cared for until God calls me home. Because your mom has already done what she could, I’m going to do this. Whatever the case may be, you only care about your own happiness and haven’t thought about your elderly mother at all. Everything is now set in stone for me.”

Then Lewis laughed to himself. “Really, mom?” Let’s go. There’s no doubt that you’re not serious. It’s hard to believe that we would leave in that way. You can be sure that some care homes will take you in for free. The homes don’t need to be sold right now.

Edith gave him an angry look. Please forgive me! Who are you to make such a choice? These things belong to me, Lewis, and it is up to me to decide what to do with them. Besides that, Addison and Josh were also leaving home. They are in charge of raising their kids, and they need to take responsibility for it.

“But mum,” Addison replied. I don’t get how you can tell us to go. The two little kids that are with me are here because we have nowhere else to go.

Please, sweetheart. What’s making you feel sick? My choice has been made very clear. It is assumed that your things will be packed up and moved by tomorrow morning. There have already been calls to a few officials, and they will be coming over.

After the kids were done eating, they yelled mean things at their mom because they didn’t like the choice she had made. She had a great plan to teach her kids a lesson about being selfish, but Edith wouldn’t change. She was set on making them learn their lesson.

Once a week had passed, Edith finally found two people who were interested in buying her two homes, and the money they offered was fair. What she did not do with the money, though, was go to a care home. She instead bought a condo in a new town that was close to her friend Martha’s house.

After Edith told Martha about how Addison and Lewis were acting, Martha suggested that she move back to where she used to live. For the reason that Edith thought the idea made sense, she did what Martha told her to do.

After moving into their new home, Edith and Martha had a great time with each other. As a way to remember the good old days, they spent time together doing things like shopping, watching old movies, and just hanging out. Edith missed Terrence and her two grandkids, but she felt happy and at ease now that she wasn’t dealing with her annoying kids.

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