‘Controversial’ Message Noticed On Sparks’ SUV Back

After being uploaded online, a phrase scrawled on the rear of an SUV swiftly gained popularity.After a Reddit user posted a picture of the driver on the platform, several people praised the driver for having the message visible on the back of the SUV.

Beside the picture of the vehicle, the user commented, “Saw this patriot while driving.” “This is America…we don’t redistribute wealth—we earn it,” the message said.With regard to the transfer of wealth, many readers agreed with the driver’s statement.
“Well done to the man who had the audacity to put this phrase on his back window! The same thing should be said and done by more people, and who knows? Maybe it will reach everyone, or at least some of the countless freeloaders who believe they should be paid for their labour! A reader posted a remark on the website’s Facebook page.

Giving too much money to too many young people who can work but don’t want to is redistributing wealth. As a result, some of them run into problems due to having too much spare time on their hands. Need to see cu.ts.; they would be very helpful in solving our Dr. Ug issues. Another person said, “They should be concerned about keeping a job to put food on the table, not about becoming the next Dr.ug D.eal.””True statements for real Americans. Another person said, “This ought to be on every patriotic American car.”Others believed that most people ought to be able to understand the message instinctively.

“I’m not sure why leftists find it so hard to comprehend. This country was meant to be special in that the government keeps out of our way so that we could work. All entitlement programmes are nothing more than ways to redistribute income. One Reddit member remarked, “Stephan Molyneux is exactly right when he says government entitlement programmes are a gross violation of our property rights.”Some, on the other hand, thought the message was just too dry and subtle.

“So let me get this straight: even though we’re working to defeat the 1% Globalists, do you think it’s okay for them to hoard all of our resources?” Guys, stop stifling logic.It is quite OK to use nuance in a disagreement as opposed to yelling, “hurr durr, f*.*k these cucks wanting handouts,” before you have a complete understanding of the circumstances. Everyone should aim to be self-sufficient; I don’t want freebies, but seeing things in black and white doesn’t help either side,” a user commented.

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