Mother of White and Black Twins Boys Are Frequently Asked Which Is Hers

When this 31-year-old Nigerian mother welcomed her twins in February, she had no idea what lay ahead. She can now distinguish her identical twin sons with ease. Even though Daniel and David were born within minutes apart, they are completely unlike from one another.

Albinos, the adorable twins that Stacy and Babajide are so proud of and who reside in Lagos. These lovely brothers’ remarkably distinct appearances never fail to draw attention. Daniel follows in the footsteps of his older sister Demilade, having dark skin and curling black hair, whereas David stands out with his fair complexion and golden hair.

Because Stacy decided to highlight the unusual pair’s travels on Instagram, the twins accumulated nearly 18,000 followers in only a single year.

When the twins were born on February 26 of last year, everyone was caught off guard.

We had no idea that they were different when I was pregnant. When the first twin, Daniel, was born with black hair and the second twin, David, with golden hair, it was a huge surprise because the scan showed no signs of anything. The doctors said, “It appears you have completely non-identical twins,” because I underwent a caesarean delivery. Mother of three Stacy mentioned, “Before I knew it, nurses were coming out to see them.

Given that one of the twins had a black complexion and the other a white complexion, it was simple to tell the two apart.

With grace, Stacy relayed her husband’s heartfelt response to this unanticipated turn of events.

Their father was deeply touched and gave My Twin 2 (David) the loving nickname “Golden,” referring to him as Mr. Golden. The sight of his sons brought him great joy. He declared that they were God’s most priceless gift and that he was just in awe of his great creation as he remained there staring at them for more than ten minutes.

David is one of the extremely uncommon few people who were born with albinism; just one baby in every 20,000 is born with this rare affliction.

Melanin, the pigment that gives skin, hair, and eyes their colour, is absent in albinism, an uncommon disorder that affects appearance. It affects people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, and there are differences in the amount of pigmentation. Albinism is regarded as rare, occurring in about 3,000 to 20,000 births on average. Because albinism can cause a variety of skin and visual problems, those who have it should exercise additional caution.

David has oculocutaneous albinism, which accounts for his remarkably light complexion and gorgeous golden hair. Fortunately, Stacy tells us that David is completely well and doesn’t have any health issues.

Nigeria is a notable example of a nation with a high albinos population, with over two million confirmed or suspected cases. Regretfully, prejudice towards this population because of their skin colour persists despite these figures. It is shocking to learn that over 600,000 Nigerians of African descent experience prejudice and abuse from their peers, families, and communities. These mistreatments frequently cause problems for them in their academic and professional endeavours.

Stacy emphasised that she has never heard anyone criticise her two sons and that they are both loved equally and without conditions.

There are usually whispers and inquisitive queries about what’s going on when we go out. Their adorable nature simply entices you to visit and greet them.

The twins’ distinctive appearance have led to modelling offers for the twins’ family coming from UK agencies. They have an Instagram account that they use to share happiness and highlight critical issues, and they are ready to take advantage of any opportunities that present themselves. Since we believe they have a great story to tell, Stacy and I decided it would be a good idea to create an account for them in order to raise awareness.

They’ve been walking and playing a lot for more than a year, and Stacy said they have two amazing personalities.

David is more of an observer, although Daniel is well known for being expressive. They are both very curious people. David is pickier when it comes to food, whereas Daniel is passionate about it. David likes to seize the present, but Daniel is always having fun. Daniel is the older brother in every situation, and they both have a lot of energy.

Remember to share this amazing family with your loved ones on social media to help spread the word!

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