Broken Vows: The Shocking Truth About the Cancelled Wedding

Jane looked at herself in the floor-length mirror. After months of planning, her wedding day had finally come. Even though she was scared, she was thrilled with how her vision had come true. Vic, the guy of her dreams, would marry her in thirty minutes.

She had to say that his charm won her over, even though his anger scared her.

As she stood in front of her mirror, she smiled. As she ran her fingers through her sleek new hair, she loved how put together she looked.

When Jane heard the door open, she turned around and saw Victor, her fiancé. Before the wedding, he wasn’t supposed to be in the bride’s dressing room, but he was there anyway.

He whispered, “Jane,” and his eyes lit up with desire. “You look beautiful.”

It’s Victor! Jane yelled. “You shouldn’t be here! You know, my dear, that seeing the bride before the wedding is bad luck. Close your eyes and keep going! I will back you up. Please meet me at the altar. I will be there soon.

As Victor stepped forward, the tension between them grew.

He breathed in her scent and said in a whisper, “Don’t make me wait, Jane.” “I can’t wait to get married soon.” Right now I had to have you.”

Victor stared at Jane the whole time he was taking off his suit buttons. She didn’t feel good. Jane didn’t agree with their choice to wait until their wedding night to get close, but Victor was excited about “doing things right,” so Jane wasn’t sure why they had changed their minds.

He asked her in a low voice, “What’s the big deal, Jane?” “Give me ten minutes, and I’ll show you what tonight has in store for you.”

Jane’s stomach twisted.

It was “Darling,” she said. “I’ve been waiting a long time. We can wait until after the wedding. I also don’t want to mess up the outfit, my hair, or my makeup. We won’t have enough time to get things fixed.

Making noise, “Stop it, Jane,” I told her. “Don’t push me aside.” This is what I want. You’re going to remember this because it’s your first time, but don’t worry.

But Jane kept pushing him away until she said the words that would change her life forever.

She told him, “Victor, you’re not my first.”

Victor stopped and looked her in the eyes to see if she was saying the truth. He knew what was true because her lower lip was shaking and she was still.

“What did you say?” he growled. “Are you not straight?” Are you telling me I was going to marry a woman who wasn’t a virgin? I know you didn’t lie to me. Is there a way you were able to persuade me that you were a good woman who deserved my marriage? I don’t like you, Jane. You are used, broken items that were thrown away.

Even though it had never been brought up before, Jane asked him not to believe her. She said she had never lied about it. Victor had actually thought she was the delicate flower her folks said she was. She also knew that his family wanted the same thing she did.

As a result, she let herself become a charming small bakery owner while Victor ran the business.

Victor took her by the arm and led her out to the balcony. Guests were drinking their welcome drinks on the ground below.

He said, “There is no wedding!” loud enough for everyone to hear. Our future bride, Jane, made us all think she was a virgin! However, that’s not true! She’s been with other guys, and I won’t marry a broken toy.

Jane screamed at him, “Please stop! Our parents will never look at us the same!”

He told her, “I don’t care,” and let her go.

When Jane fell to the ground, she hid behind a column. Victor was running quickly towards the group of people below the stairs, which she saw. Kira followed him and saw him run off after getting a bottle of drink from the barman.

Jane let out a sigh because she knew Kira would use this to her advantage. “Kira,” she answered. They would go to bed together before the end of the day. Jane was sure about it. From what Kira said, it was clear that she wanted Victor for herself.

Jane sighed when she realised that her old life was over.

After what seemed like hours, Jane finally made it from the cold floor to a bench inside. When she looked down, she saw that her hands still had some makeup on them. Her tears had not stopped since Victor left. She asked her mum why she hadn’t found her yet.

Jane thought that she might be ashamed to have me as a daughter.

“Excuse me, Miss,” a guy said, and Jane heard it.

When she looked up, she saw one of the bartenders who had been there earlier.

“Are you okay?” he asked. Hey, my name is Marcus. “Please let me join you in your seat.”

Jane sat back down in her chair, and the man’s politeness made her cry again.

She sobbed, “It will never be okay again,” and her pain was clear in her voice.

He asked, “What happened? Why did the groom run away?”

Just saying, “Because he left me,” Jane. “He broke up with me because I wasn’t married yet.”

Marcus had a laugh. “This is not the Middle Ages.”

Jane didn’t want to tell Marcus about the things that had made her cry on her wedding dress, but she did. She told him about Jake, the guy she dated before she lost her virginity. When her parents found out, they put too much pressure on her and told her Jake wasn’t right for her.

Jake also couldn’t handle it and turned to cheating on her to feel better. Jane has to deal with her broken heart by herself.

She told Marcus that she thought Victor liked her just the way she was, even though Victor didn’t know about her past. She had lost her good name. She messed things up.

“Jane,” Marcus said. “Stop wasting time being unhappy with your life.” He couldn’t understand because he’s not the right guy for you. Everyone has a story. In addition, I can say for sure that your fiancé is not a virgin.

In spite of her tears, Jane laughed.

“Come on, I know you’re staying in the honeymoon suite at this villa; I was supposed to set up the champagne in your room.” Let’s look at the menu and order everything for you! Let’s learn something from your groom. Also, let’s give you some more of this precious day to enjoy.

Even though Jane didn’t want to, she gave in and followed Marcus. She had nothing left to lose.

When they got to the honeymoon room, Jane had already put her shoes neatly against the wall and hung her clothes in the wardrobe. Marcus took off his shoes and ordered every expensive dish on the menu. Jane laughed more when he was around than any other time since the wedding plans began. Jane saw a sparkle in his eyes that made her remember being in love.

After dinner and a pillow fight, Jane gave Marcus a kiss.

Jane turned away and said, “That was a bad thing for me to do.”

“I’m glad you did,” Marcus said as he tightly held her.

“I won’t use you to cover up my hurt,” Jane said. “I can’t do that to someone who has made me feel more like myself lately than Victor has in months.”

Jane told herself she would do nothing but cry, take a long bath, and tell Marcus to leave. Marcus kissed Jane on the neck and called her “exquisite” as she fell back into his arms.

The next morning, Jane woke up to the soft touch of smooth sheets all around her. She reached out for Marcus with her eyes closed, but the bed was empty.

She asked, “Marcus?” because she thought he was in the bathroom.

But he wasn’t there. She leaned back in her chair and her eyes started to tear up again.

Of course, she thought. I’m a broken item. It’s only good for one use.


A short time later, when the door opened, Jane saw Victor standing in the doorway.

In response, “Well, you’ve made yourself at home,” “Please go ahead. Dress up. We’re having a casual drink with the guests. I told them that what they did yesterday was wrong because most of them were still here. I will marry you after all. That’s not something I want to do. I’m not going to look at you at all. I would look like a saint, though, because I brought you back.

Jane was having a hard time following what he was saying. After the joke he pulled right before their wedding, she didn’t want to be around him. She did not have any other choice, though. She thought back to the wonderful evening she had spent with Marcus, during which he had taught her to love herself and enjoy every moment.

Marcus had moved on from her, though. Victor was there to give her another chance at an easier life—that of a married woman instead of one of being turned down.

She did what she was told.

Jane walked through the hall, which was set up for the cocktail party. She looked at every table to see if she could find Marcus, but she couldn’t. She knew Victor didn’t like her, but he was still smitten with her.

After hearing his mean things, she couldn’t picture herself getting married to him the next day. However, he was a strong man and had made plans for their wedding to be moved.

Jane couldn’t find either of their parents at the dinner party. She did this, though, while Kira stayed with Victor. Her dream job had always been to be his shadow. Jane knew that he had spent the night with her.

Kira and Jane, Victor’s grumpy wife, would both be his mistresses after tomorrow. She was sure.

Marcus called out, “Jane,” from among the crowd. “Why do you have him with you?”

Jane’s heart felt better. He looked at her softly. Jane also saw that he was dressed in a fancy suit.

She cried, “You left me.” “You left last night.” Also, why do you dress that way? What do you do for a living?

Jane’s eye caught Victor’s mouth as it fell.

“You went to bed with the barman?” Victor spat the food. “Like you couldn’t go any lower.”

Marcus made a face at Victor.

“One more word, and you’ll be kicked out.”

“You can’t do that.” Victor said, “That’s not even close to the power of a barman.”

“Not at all, my dad owns this house.” I’ll now be in charge. It was yesterday that I claimed to be a barman to see how things were run from the other side.

Jane saw Marcus smile, but she didn’t smile back.

It was, “I didn’t leave you, Jane.” “Yes, I did. But I had every intention of going back.”

He took the satin box out of his coat pocket.

“Jane, I know we really just met. But I want to know everything about you since you seem so amazing. both the past and the present you. I want us to have a future together. Get to know me now. Please put this on your finger while you’re at it. Jane, would you marry me?

He got down on his knees in front of Jane and gave her the ring.

Jane nodded and imagined a future where people would love and respect her for who she really was.

Marcus grabbed her and kissed her, which made her squeal.

Her story wasn’t over yet.

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