When A Man Is Looking To Move On From You, You Will Notice These Painful Signs

1. There’s a lot less noise

At the start of the relationship, he was interested in everything about your life, including your hopes and dreams, your interests and hobbies. It seemed like he was talking almost all the time. Now, though, he doesn’t seem to want to talk or listen when you try to get his attention.

2. He stops taking the lead in the relationship.

He was the first one to text you when you two first fell in love. Or he would call you and ask if you were free to go out to dinner or the movies. Those days? He doesn’t text you very often, and he never wants to hang out with you.

3. He stops paying attention to the little things.

He used to go out of his way to compliment you if you got a new haircut or wore a dress he had never seen before. He would give you his jacket if it was cold outside. But it looks like these nice things he used to say or do are from the past.

4. He doesn’t care about you as much as he used to.

Even though he was busy at the time, he always found time for you in the past. But all of a sudden it seems like he’s trying to avoid you. He’s with his friends at the bars and hasn’t asked you to join them. He backs out of dates, even ones you planned a long time in advance. He says, “Maybe we can hang out this weekend,” but then he doesn’t do it.

5. He always has a reason not to see you.

He’s not feeling well enough to meet up with you after work. He doesn’t want to go see the movie. He doesn’t want to go on the weekend trip because the hotel and plane tickets are too expensive. This has never been a problem for him before.

6. He’s being very sneaky

He no longer seems to be able to give you clear replies about anything. He no longer talks about his daily life. His family used to be important to him, and he would talk about their activities with you. But now, he never talks about them. It feels like he’s trying to keep you apart on purpose.

7. He gets angry easily

Now he snaps at you all the time, and most of the time it’s for no reason. Aside from that, he always seems to find fault with small things. His goal is to ruin the friendship by making himself seem like a bad person.

8. The way he moved

No longer does he look you in the eye. He puts his arms down. He no longer holds your hand. He’s always looking at his phone while you’re eating, which is something he never did before. It looks like he doesn’t feel anything when he hugs and kisses you. All of these things show that the relationship isn’t going well anymore.

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