Why you should NOT wear underwear at night

If you’ve worn underwear all day and night for years, you might want to hear about some of the good things that happen when you stop wearing them.

1. Not wearing pants makes you feel better

Some women dread having to wear knickers because it makes them feel bad. If you don’t want to get rid of it totally, try different cuts, styles, and patterns. But there’s nothing better than being able to do so. Sure, why wouldn’t you want to be at ease? You could take off your pants and wear a long dress. No one will know!

2. It helps get rid of dampness

Sometimes wearing knickers makes you sweat, which can be uncomfortable in the long run. If you sweat a lot and have diarrhoea, you should stop wearing pants. You won’t look better even if you skip the pants and wear tight pants.

3. Get to sleep better and faster

If you want to fall asleep right away and sleep through the night, don’t wear pants. In fact, you might want to skip all clothes.

Medicine experts at Healthline say that 65 degrees Fahrenheit is the best setting for sleep. But even when it’s cold outside, you might be too warm to fall asleep with just your partner, a blanket and your pants.

Medical News Today said that sleeping naked can help the skin cool off faster, which may help lower body temperature and help a person fall asleep faster.

4. Helps with heartburn

While acid reflux is a fairly common condition, wearing tight pants for two weeks straight could cause it in people who have never had it before.

But it depends on how high your pants goes. Unlike hipsters, high-rise and tight pants is more likely to squeeze your stomach and push stomach acid up your throat. When the acid rests there, you can expect heartburn to start.

5. Help with butt acne

The air flow might be great for your bum skin pores. Butt acne is a sign of folliculitis and is caused by pores getting clogged up from sweat or contact.

Instead of trying to find a cure for these swollen hair follicles, try not wearing knickers and putting on loose clothes that will support your skin.

6. It keeps yeast diseases away

Vaginitis can also be caused by wearing tight pants, which is a real pain. The illness makes the skin itch and makes a white discharge that looks like cottage cheese. It can also lead to trichomoniasis, which has similar symptoms but a greenish-yellow discharge.

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