The fishing trip my wife took was the start of the end of our marriage.

Things will never be the same after trust is broken.

When Mark’s wife Lisa started going fishing by herself, he began to think something was wrong. Mark had a feeling that this need to be alone had something to do with their neighbour Sam, who was also a loving fisherman.

Lisa shared a picture online one day that seemed innocent, but there was something about it that made Mark think he was right to think his wife was seeing Sam.

Mark knew that Lisa was happily holding Sam’s fishing rod because it had a brand on it. And when he asked his wife about their neighbour, she said she had nothing to do with it and had only taken the fishing rod. But Mark had a feeling she wasn’t telling the truth.

Once he really thought about it, he knew he couldn’t get over the fact that he no longer trusted his wife at all. He thought about how important honesty was in a relationship and realised that his and his wife’s didn’t have it.

He finally chose to file for divorce.

The picture of Lisa was the first thing that broke down their trust and led to the end of their relationship.

This story shows again how easy it is to end a marriage when two people are hiding something from each other.

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