Little kids are the most innocent people in the world. They always say what they think without thinking about what might happen, and they are the most honest people you can find.

One day, a little girl went to her mum and told her a story.

“Mom, a strange woman came around while you were at work”… “Wait until Daddy gets home,” her mom told her.

When the girl’s dad comes home after a while, the mom can’t wait for her daughter to tell the story and come clean about her cheating husband. “Dear, what did you say about Daddy and that strange woman?” the mom asks.

The dad knows something bad is going to happen and tries to stop his daughter from talking, but the mom tells him, “You keep quiet. I’ll talk to my lawyer in the morning.” “Go on, dear.”

The girl then begins to talk.

“Well,” the girl replied, “Daddy told me to stay downstairs while they went upstairs. But I followed them without Daddy noticing, and I saw them kissing and hugging at the top of the stairs.”

Then they locked the door to your room and went inside, but I went up and looked through the opening.”

The mom is happy and says, “Smart girl.” The person asked, “What could you see through the keyhole?”

“I saw them kissing and hugging each other again, and then they started taking off each other’s clothes. They did this until they had nothing on, and then the woman got on the bed and Daddy jumped on top of her.”

Mamma says, “Yes?” “What then took place?”

“Then they did what you and Uncle Jack did when Daddy was in Vancouver last year,” the girl said with confidence and a smile. Her parents were surprised and shocked.

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