When spouses fight over hard choices, it’s called the “babysitter dilemma.”

While the dad was busy with other things, their teenage babysitter Daisy made a choice that put him in the middle of an unexpected family problem.

When he got home, he saw that his wife was fighting violently with Daisy, who was sad and crying, and that their children were clearly upset by the fight. He went to Reddit to get some clarity and direction.

Since this was the case, he chose to stand with Daisy, which caused a fight with his wife over how to settle the issue. The incident brought up underlying tensions and upset the usual peace in the family, so the father looked for advice on how to deal with the problems of responsibility, trust, and conflict resolution within the family.

Daisy, the child care worker in question
The man said that for many years, he and his wife hired Daisy, a 16-year-old babysitter, to help them with their family.

When the couple’s oldest child was just a baby, the little girl watched their daughter and two boys. She would help the children’s grandmother take care of the kids in exchange for some money from the couple.

She was sixteen years old and was already close with the two older kids, who were clearly in love with her. The youngest child, who was only seven months old, seemed happy with Daisy too, the father said.

When Daisy became the main babysitter, she went from being an extra helper to a main part, and the family relied more on her skills.

The Event Day
The event took place on a Friday, when the child care center was closed for repairs, which meant that the usual schedule wasn’t followed. Daisy offered to watch the kids from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m., taking over the job that their grandmother had been doing earlier.

The man usually got home from work at six o’clock, but that day he had to leave early and get home at five thirty. But when he got back, he found a terrible state of chaos that he hadn’t seen coming.
When he got home, he could hear his kids crying in the background, Daisy saying she was sorry, and his wife yelling and getting very angry. It wasn’t at all like the calm return he had imagined; the mood was tense, confusing, and bad.

He found out later that there had been a 911 call…
The man was worried about the noise, so he asked his wife what was going on. She told Daisy they were wasting their money.

Daisy’s position got worse when her wife said she would call the police and wouldn’t pay the young babysitter for her work. The teen was told to leave the house right away and never come back.

Daisy quickly and cryingly left the house, while the man stayed to calm down with his wife. He ran to another room where his crying kids were and tried to comfort them.

“My wife doesn’t agree with me that Daisy did the right thing,”
Still, the man didn’t know why the fight had happened. In the end, he learned that someone had called 911. His wife told him more about the facts.

The Reason Daisy Called 911
Daisy called 911, which was the main cause of all the trouble that day. It was known that the youngest child had moments where they held their breath. He had a strange habit of stopping his breath when he was angry or in pain, which would sometimes make him pass out.

Even though it was scary, the family was used to these spells and knew that they would end after a short time or a polite intervention. Most of the time, the baby would get better quickly or his breathing would return to normal after getting hit in the face. If things got really bad, he would either pass out or get blue skin, but he would quickly wake up.

Unfortunately, Daisy hadn’t been told this important fact, so she wasn’t ready when the scary thing happened while she was watching.

Daisy called 911 in a panic because she was afraid for the child’s safety. This choice, which was made out of worry and lack of knowledge about the child’s health, set off the fight that followed. The mother thought the call was useless and expensive because of how much emergency medical services cost.

What Happens Next
The father and his wife had different ideas after he found out what was making them fight. “I think Daisy did the right thing but my wife doesn’t,” the man wrote on Reddit, expressing sympathy for Daisy’s position and supporting her decision to be safe in this case. But his wife was mad about what she thought was an exaggeration and what it led to.

Their fight turned into a heated argument, and they both said mean things. The initial result was a short separation, during which the wife chose to stay with her mother to learn more about what her husband wanted from their marriage. The fact that they were emotionally and physically apart showed how badly the tragedy had hurt their relationship.

Community Views: What People Said on Reddit
People on Reddit came together to share their thoughts, ideas, and criticisms after the father’s account. A lot of different views were shared, but it was clear that most readers didn’t agree with how the wife treated the babysitter, who was completely innocent.

One reader said, “Your wife is really, really mean, and I hope you show these responses to her,” and another asked, “Is she always like this?” The amount of physical and mental abuse you can give to a sixteen-year-old who has only looked out for your child is horrifying. Also, I would worry about your kids.”

Many people stressed that Daisy’s answer was because she didn’t know that the baby had a history of stopping their breath. A fan asked, “How could Daisy know what to do and what was going on if no one told her?” She is totally not guilty of this [?]. The OP is NTA, and the wife is terrible. “It’s better to be safe than sorry,” said someone else. Daisy did the only moral thing she could have when she didn’t have any more knowledge. “She called 911.”

Someone else said, “OMG THIS…this is your child and you’re worried about how much an ambulance will cost?” which made fun of the mother’s responsibilities.

A lot of people felt that Daisy’s firing was not fair. Someone wrote, “Daisy deserves an apology, her full pay, and a good reference for her next job babysitting.” Another person replied, “Agreed.” Daisy won’t be running for OP again, which is too bad, because it looks like she has good judgment.

Things I think and understand
When the dad posted about his experience on Reddit, it wasn’t just to get approval or advice; he did it because he wanted to understand what happened from different points of view. His story starts more in-depth talks about what babysitters should do, how important clear communication is, and how to handle emergencies involving kids.

In addition, it stresses how important it is to trust both the babysitter’s judgment and the parents’ ability to help each other through tough times. The story also talks about how stress can hurt relationships, how hard it is to deal with family problems on an emotional and practical level, and how to make peace between people.

Which would you want to be in this situation: the husband or the wife? Do you think the man did the wrong thing by talking to his wife about firing their nanny?

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