God Will Send You The Right Person At The Right Time. Trust His Judgment

Do you ever feel like everything and everyone is too much for you? Feel like you’ve met all the people you want to meet? Are you sick and tired of letting harmful, unstable, and self-centered people into your life?
It’s okay to feel like giving up and accepting that you might never find love. Please listen. Because that is the exact moment you should keep going. It’s important to stay strong and trust God even when you want to give up. That’s when He tests your faith and strength.

He wants to see how brave you are and how much you want love. He wants to see how much you trust Him. The most important thing is that He is trying your patience.
I understand if you don’t believe this right now. But believe me, God has a plan for you. God really does have a plan for everything that lives on Earth. There will be times when we don’t understand why things are going the way they are, but in the end, we’ll understand everything. There is a reason for everything, and God knows it.

God already has control of your life. Everything is clear to him. And life is lovely. You shouldn’t be sad, God. He wants you to be happy. Someone who is the soul of your soul has been set aside for you to share your life with. Someone who was meant to be with you.

This person may not be perfect, but they will meet all of your needs and meet all of your wants. It doesn’t matter what else.

It’s likely, though, that you won’t be able to meet this person when you want to. They won’t come into your life until you’re ready for them to. They’ll come into your life when you and they are ready for each other.

Remember this: God knows when the two of you are ready to meet. God always knows when the right time is. He will send the right person to you at the right time.

You might go through this when you have given up on love and all chance of finding the right person for you. It could happen when you go through another painful breakup or when you learn yet another lesson. You might figure out what you want and find the right person for you after going on a lot of dates with people who aren’t right for you.

You’ll understand why it never worked with anyone else when this person comes into your life. All of a sudden, things will make sense.

You’ll understand why you had to deal with all those bad people and go through all those hard times. You’ll understand that having your heart broken so many times was meant to get you ready for the best thing that’s coming your way. And for you to see this person, figure out who they are, and value them when they come to you.

You’ll be thankful. You will be thankful for every loss you thought was terrible. You’ll be glad you had to leave people many times. As many times as God took someone out of your life because they were bad for you.
Please don’t give up on God because of this. I promise that He is watching over you and has something wonderful planned for you. You should just wait and trust Him. It will all be okay.

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