Family Fractures: When DNA Tests Show Cheating in Weird Ways

The mother-in-law of a woman said her husband wasn’t allowed to be the child’s father and accused her of cheating on him. A DNA test showed that her idea was wrong, but it also showed the most surprising thing.

My mother-in-law, Georgia, made fun of me and said, “You are a W-.” But my husband Hans cut her off before she could say the bad words.

“Mum! This is not how you talk to my wife. After his mother’s dramatic reaction, he told her, “I’m sorry right now!”

My wife Georgia and my dad Manny came to visit for the first time since our baby was born in the hospital. They had only seen him quickly in the delivery room, so we asked our family to give us all some time to get to know each other and get used to this wonderful new life.

But after a month, we had people over. Even though Georgia and Manny were good at the hospital, I couldn’t wait for them to get here. My mother-in-law seemed to enjoy criticising me the most, even though she never really loved me.

“Wait, Hans has blood type B+?” “Why did I not know this before?” He asked her, looking at both her son and his wife.
It was mostly because other people had already shared pictures of my baby on social media that I couldn’t resist them coming. So, Hans invited them, and everyone thought the night would be great.

I knew something was wrong as soon as she walked in the door. To be nice, I told Georgia I would spend some time with Hans Jr. if she wouldn’t do it. Things quickly went badly, though.

She yelled and shook her head, “I knew it!” I knew about it! I knew about it! I knew about it.”

“Mom, what were your thoughts?” What’s going on?” Hans asked, confused. The way he looked at me like I knew everything shocked me just as much as her scream.

“That kid is not my grandson!” Listen up, Hans. You’re not the dad, please! It is clear that Barbara is cheating on you! Look at him! His skin colour is different from ours, and his nose is very different. When Georgie went on, I lost all control of my poker face.

“Pardon me?” I asked, hurt by it.

“Mum! That’s not funny! You must be wrong to make such a charge. I am sure that this child is my son, and Barbara has never cheated on me. Yes, for sure!” Hans stood up for me, but his mum was getting angry and red in the face.

As she began to insult me, my husband cut her off and asked her to say sorry again. At that point, my father-in-law got married. So her husband could go on, she calmed down.

“Hans, pay attention to your mother.” “She has a certain intuition for these things,” Manny said in a calm voice. The only thing I did was shake my head at him. He was always quiet, so I never had a problem with him. I was sure, though, that he was his wife’s helper. He seemed really sure that I had cheated, but I wasn’t sure if he was just going along with it.

Say, “Daddy!” How can you say that? inside our home? right in front of my spouse?” I could tell Hans was in pain from the way he asked. His goal was for this to be an event to remember, but these charges ruined everything.

She put her hands up. There’s an easy fix here. After that, he kept talking while shaking his head like it was so easy. “Get a DNA test, and we’ll find out the truth.” I didn’t know what to say because I still couldn’t believe it.


“YOU WILL HAVE THAT TEST RIGHT AWAY!” After only a few minutes of quiet, his mother spoke up, which made me jump back.

“That’s the end of it.” Leave my house right now. They didn’t have to meet my grandson, so I told them, “That’s fine.” Then I took my child to the nursery.

My partner finally got them to leave, but not before I heard more yelling. After the baby fell asleep, I went to the living room and we talked for a while. For our own safety, we both chose to stop talking to them until they said sorry.

Sadly, my mother-in-law was able to convince her family that the child was not Hans’ and that I had lied. We were getting texts from everyone. Some people said bad things about me, but others demanded we take a DNA test. I had never met this before.

I finally lost it. I couldn’t handle it. When my husband heard a message on my phone, his eyes lit up, and I could see sadness in them. “Let’s do it.” He agreed when I said, “Let’s get the DNA test and get rid of them all for good.” And we did.

It shouldn’t have been a surprise that Hans was the father, but we had to tell our in-laws again.

This could be messed with. What did you do?” Gavin laughed at me after she told her husband the results.

“I did nothing at all. Hans went to the doctor by himself with the baby. “I wasn’t there at all,” I sighed.

“This is the test you asked for, mum.” I am the father. Now that this is over, will you just enjoy your first grandchild?” My husband begged, and even though he tried to hide it, I knew how much pain he was in. I would be nice for his sake, even though she made me hate her.

She said, “Fine,” but she didn’t look at her grandchild as she crossed her arms. We got a cot for our living room. Hans’s head was sagging, so I patted him on the back.

But Manny didn’t say anything for a while as he looked at the results. “Wait, Hans has blood type B+?” “Why did I not know this before?” He asked her, looking at both her son and his wife.

Hans just shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

“Maybe you missed it or saw a medical result that gave you that information,” I suggested, but Manny was already focused on his wife.

My wife’s mother stopped making fun of me, but she was now quiet again. It made her angry. It wasn’t obvious. But I could tell.

“Georgia, why is our son B+?” he asked slowly. Hans and I looked at each other blankly.

“What’s going on now?” “What does my blood type matter?” he asked his parents, and they turned him down.

Mandy finally spoke, his eyes never leaving his wife’s face. “Because my mother and I are both O+.” “This here,” he said, slapping one hand over the DNA results, “says you are B+, even though it doesn’t make sense.” That’s why I need to talk to your mum. Georgie, what does this mean?”

I thought I might have pulled a muscle because my mouth fell so far forward. I never in a million years thought this would happen. When I looked at Georgia, she was worriedly moisturising her lips while looking at her husband in silence. She looked like she was wringing her hands too. Finally, she turned away from him, closed her eyes, and said it.

Manny didn’t really have a kid named Hans. She cheated on her husband with a family friend while they were married. Finally, everything made sense.

So that’s why you accused me, right? It was something you put there. “You thought I deserved it just as much as you did,” I said, staring at her. The hand of my husband touched my arm. I think what I said was a little too frank and made things worse. But I was very angry. I had no power over it.

Manny got up and left after Georgia started crying and having one of her regular temper tantrums. We took a break and let her follow him. After all, they had a lot of other things to do. Why would they want to get involved?

“Are you okay?” I asked my partner with a quick backward hug.

“I guess. He said, “Well, I don’t know how Dad and I will handle this, but at least we won’t have to worry about our questions about our son.” He was calmer than I thought he would be.

“But there’s a lot to take in.”

That’s fine, but still. Hans turned around and put his arms around me. “We’ll be fine, and you and our baby are the only things that matter right now,” he said. I put my head on his chest and just took it all in.

Are you interested in my in-laws’ parents? The family learned why they were no longer together. It was a terrible accident. Even worse, Georgia tried to introduce us to her boyfriend, who is Hans’s real father, after she started seeing him. He knew that he was Hans’s father and that the two of them had been in touch for years. That’s crazy, huh?

But my spouse stopped that right away. Following this, we decided to stop talking to her. He had a father named Manny. Not anyone else. He told us he was sorry for bringing up the DNA test in the first place, even though he had been there for his crazy wife for a long time. We had no problems. For now at least.

What can happen in a family is amazing.

What can we learn from this story?

If you don’t have proof to back up your claims, don’t make them. Georgia thought Barbara was stealing, but a DNA test showed that she wasn’t guilty. Putting her fears on her daughter-in-law hurt her marriage in a way that can’t be fixed.
Long-term family can be hard to deal with; you need to know when to cut ties. It can be hard to stop talking to family members, but it’s more important for your mental and emotional health. It was the right thing for Barbara and Hans to do to get rid of his mother.

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