5 Awesome Spots To Touch Your Woman To Build Attraction

1.Her shoulders

Since shoulder rubs are good for relaxing muscles, your wife may ask you to touch her shoulders. Doing jobs around the house and going to work every day can put a lot of stress on women, making them feel antsy and tired when they get home. So, they want you to rub your shoulders and help them relax.

2.Her scalp

One of the best places to touch a woman is on the head. Since her head is full of nerve ends, massaging it will help release oxytocin, a stress hormone that makes her feel calm.

3.The back

Support or warmth are the same thing when you stroke your upper back. The woman will think it’s more sexual to pet her on the lower back. Stick to the upper back if you want to make her feel better or show that you care.

4.Her hands

Putting your hands on someone has become a way to show different levels of closeness over time. Holding her hand in public shows that you’re not afraid to let everyone know how much you love her.

5.Her neck

To turn up the heat, touch her neck. No doubt that kissing on the lips is romantic, but doing it for a long time can be uncomfortable. You can kiss her neck in soft, different ways. Pay extra attention to the back of her neck, where most women get hot.

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