Dad’s Pick: How Much Love and Loyalty Cost at a Wedding

Because of an unexpected wedding choice, a girl’s stepfather paid for her big day, but he was sad and upset when she chose her real father to walk her down the aisle with her. But as things got worse and feelings ran high, the stepfather used the situation to his advantage by making a surprise toast.

On June 2, 2013, an unknown man went to Reddit’s “Off My Chest” topic to share a story that had been on his mind a lot because his stepdaughter’s wedding was coming up soon.

Along with expressing how he felt, he did so with a sense of sadness and irritation.

He said in the beginning of the original poster that his niece was getting married on August 3, and he emphasized that planning the wedding had taken up a lot of time for both her and her mother over the last six months.

He described how they were connected by saying, “I say her mother because we aren’t married, even though we’ve lived together for ten years.”

After giving the person some details about the large amount of money he had given to his stepdaughter, the person continued.

This help included paying for her $40,000 college tuition, even though she had gone to a state school.

Besides that, he brought up the idea of her buying a car when she finished from high school to make getting to and from school easier.

Once he calmed down, he got up from his chair and said he was going to make a toast to commemorate his ten years of being a part of the family.

It looked like the thing that worried him the most was how his stepdaughter treated him compared to how she treated her real father.

The person in question said that her real father would sometimes show up in her life and that she would show him a lot of love.

The stepfather said that his stepdaughter still loved her real father and wanted him to be a part of her life, even though he didn’t give her money or child support.

He told her that her real father had broken promises to her and then left her, which broke her heart every time.

The Getting of Information
It got closer to the wedding date, and the dad who couldn’t be named got more and more angry when he learned something bad.

He offered a list of twenty people he wanted to bring to the wedding, which was held at a venue that could only hold 250 people. This was in addition to the large amount of money he had donated to the event.

“I provided them with a list of twenty individuals that I wanted invited, you know, because I was paying for everything,” he said during the forum to explain.

Their words to me were that it would be fine and that they would take care of you. So, I let these people know that they would be getting an offer and that they should mark their calendars for that.

His dissatisfaction with reality, on the other hand, was very big. Thanks to a lucky meeting at the golf course, he found out from one of his friends on the list that he had not been invited at all.

There was only a notice card in its place, which did not have the stepfather’s name on it.

Even though the names of the bride’s actual father and mother were in the announcement, he was missing from it.

The dad and his girlfriend, who was also his girlfriend, got into a very angry fight after this news came out.

Because there wasn’t much room, he was surprised to find that none of the twenty people on his list had been chosen for the final party list.

The fact that his partner told him that “250 people is very tight” did not make him feel any better.

It felt like the stepfather couldn’t do anything because the damage had already been done and important people in his life were angry.

During dinner with her future in-laws on a Sunday, the stepdaughter told everyone that she had a surprise guest: her “Real Dad.” There was even more stress because of this.

They were both very happy to hear that he would be able to make it to the wedding and give her away.

The family that had gathered together to hear the news responded with heartfelt words like “Oh how wonderful” and “How wonderful.”

This is what the man in charge did.
He was shaking with anger and a strong sense of disrespect for that person, which made the dad very upset.

It took him a moment to gather his thoughts, and he wasn’t sure whether the situation would make him cry or get angry.

Once he calmed down, he got up from his chair and said he was going to make a toast to commemorate his ten years of being a part of the family.

During his talk, he told her that recent events had helped him understand something very important through the bride and groom. He went on to say that they had shown him that his role in the family was not what he thought it was.

OP remembered that he used to see himself as an authority figure, someone who people looked up to and asked for help when they were in trouble.

He did realize, though, that he had been reduced to a cash reserve whose main value was to help people out financially.

Real Dad has taken over as host, so I’m giving him my cash duties as host. I was replaced as host on the invitations and at the ceremony. Along with that, I’m quitting my job as host.

The stepfather cried, “I’d like to raise a glass to the happy couple and the path they have chosen.” At the end of the talk, he raised his glass to toast the couple’s happiness and the path they had chosen.

What the stepfather said stuck with me because it showed how much pain and anger he had been carrying for a long time.

He was honest and open about how he felt, which was different from the parts he had been given.

Everyone at the wedding threw fits and muttered right after it ended, but no one talked to OP, even though they were all there. He chose to spend the night studying in his home office after a heated argument with his fiancée, who said he was too focused on himself.

That same day, it made him feel even worse when he looked through the bride’s wedding planner and saw that the father-daughter dance was customized to fit the dad’s tastes.

He thought that they had never really cared about him because of this. After giving the planner back, he asked what time his girlfriend and the bride could leave the house.

In the end, the dad told everyone that his girlfriend and the bride had moved in with the groom.

The dad was told about this information. OP also said how grateful he was for the great support he got from the Reddit community.

It was made clear by him that the wedding plans were being scaled back so that the parents of the prospective groom could attend.

He did say, though, that his partner had broken up relationships by trying to write a check for herself on the joint account they shared right after the incident.

In spite of everything, he felt like the story was over and thanked everyone for their help along the way. He thanked everyone for what they did.

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