Dad sparks online debate after cradling daughter’s head for 45 minutes so she could sleep during a flight

Some might say it was bound to happen because putting millions of people in one place and letting them say what they think and feel, no matter how different they are, was always going to lead to heated discussion.

Pictures and movies that make people disagree are common online now, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look at them every time they appear. As you know, Newsner has written about many similar topics in the past, so when we saw a picture of a father sleeping with his daughter on a plane (which has since sparked many comments), we just had to share it…

In the thread r/MadeMeSmile, user u/therra123 posted a picture of a dad and his daughter having a sweet moment together. This started the argument.

The person posted a picture of a girl curled up in her aisle seat on a plane. I’m sure everyone who has used an armrest pillow will agree that it’s a pretty rough and harsh place to rest your head. Instead, her father had put his hand under her cheek.

Under the picture on Reddit, it says, “This man held his hand in this position for 45 minutes so his daughter could sleep well.”

At this point, we have to say that this doesn’t look like anything other than a dad fulfilling his responsibilities. People on Reddit didn’t agree with the tag “wholesome moments” for this post.

Some people wrote that the father could have done better and that was the only thing they said in angry letters.

The post quickly went global, getting more than 60,000 likes and thousands of comments, with responses like

“I want to…” There must be a better way.

“Don’t you have your towel?” asked someone else. The most important thing you can bring is a towel.

A third said, “Shows a clear lack of creative problem-solving.” 45 minutes, you say, and I couldn’t come up with a good answer. Huh!”

While a fourth wrote, “Really. Just roll up a hoodie jacket and go! Instant pillow. Another crazy idea is to ask a flight worker for a pillow and blanket.

Some people, on the other hand, felt better about the dad’s action. To our surprise, that’s also the camp we’re in!

What about you? As you flew, did you think it was wrong for the dad to act as a pillow for his daughter? Share your thoughts below.

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