People Slam Bride for ‘Ugly’ Wedding Dress — She Responds and Critics Delete All Their Comments

A woman didn’t tell anyone about her wedding dress until the big day. Her dress was a little different, and she couldn’t wait to show her friends and family. The answer surprised her, and she clapped back at the mean kids.

It was important to Camille Lescai to make a statement on her wedding day. Her wedding was in November 2022, and she told her guests and bridal party nothing about her dress. Instead, she asked everyone to wear white for the happy event.

When people saw Lescai going down the aisle, her request made sense. She wore a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that cost about $4,400 and was perfect for her attitude. However, many people didn’t agree with the happy bride’s choice.

The bridal party of Camille Lescai responds to the reveal of her wedding dress. | Source:
A few days after her beautiful wedding in Sydney, Australia, Lescai posted a short video on TikTok of the big cake cutting. About 300 people, mostly family and friends, followed the bride. She was shocked to see that her post had been shared so many times.

It was clear to the bride that the mean comments would hurt a lot of people who had also chosen unusual dresses or were planning to do so. She stood up to the bullying and dealt with it head-on.

People were interested in Lescai’s blush pink dress, but for the wrong reasons. Millions of people saw the video and left comments, making fun of and insulting the bride and her dream dress. She said:

“I was shocked by the comments because I didn’t think it would go viral.” I’m not a big deal, so I didn’t get why so many people were interested in or thought it was so important what dress I wore.

Lescai said she read the comments and saw that people complained about her rose-colored dress, calling it “ugly,” “dated,” and even “trashy.” Someone told her that if they were the man, they would not have gone through with the wedding.

People also asked her why she was “trying so hard,” and it seemed like they were always being mean to her. Someone wrote:

“My biggest fear is being a bridesmaid and seeing the bride wear something like this and seeing how we react. I have to act like it looks good.”

Some people said her dress looked like toilet paper and that was a “big no” in their eyes. Lescai still loved her dress, though, and didn’t want other people’s thoughts to change her mind.

The bride had low self-esteem when she was a teenager, but now that she is in her thirties, things are better. The hate made her afraid that other women who wanted to wear a special dress on their wedding day would be put off.

It was clear to the bride that the mean comments would hurt a lot of people who had also chosen unusual dresses or were planning to do so. She stood up to the bullying and dealt with it head-on.

Lescai didn’t try to hide from the mean comments. Instead, she posted a number of clips in which she responded to people who said mean things about her dress, like that it looked like toilet paper.

To start, she replied to mean comments left by accounts of people whose usernames didn’t reveal who they really were. She thought they were only brave enough to hurt her because they were anonymous, so she let them know. Lescai told me:

If I post something online, some people might think I should expect bad comments. But the other way around is that if you make mean comments online, you should expect to be held responsible. This was how I regained power.

Lescai shared the mean comments and replied to them in a funny way. She was also grateful for the many nice comments and hoped that her story would inspire others to be different.

A lot of people in the online community thanked the brave bride. They were moved by her films and glad she taught the bullies a lesson. People also said nice things about Lescai and praised what she did:

“Your wedding dress is beautiful!”

– Monday, December 1, 2022

“I LOVE your style!!! Don’t let them take away your shine.”

— December 1, 2022, Eliza

“You looked like you belonged on the front page of Vogue Wedding!” “Brave and lovely!”

– December 2, 2022, (GracieLouFreebushGal)

There was no chance for me to date or get married, but I thought your dress was beautiful and you looked stunning.

– December 3, 2022 (IceBlueSnowySkys)

On my wedding day, I wore a pink dress too. I felt beautiful and like myself. You look beautiful in that dress, and so do you!”

– January 5, 2022, Molly Milazzo

“Um…you look SO PRETTY.” I love how different it is! Please do not pay attention to the trolls here. “They are what is wrong with the world today.”

– January 6, 2022, Lauren Ann Marie

“Absolutely beautiful!!!!” You were so true to yourself and your style for YOUR day, which I love. It turned out perfectly in the end.

– by Randi Johnsey on January 8, 2022

“I love this dress so much!” There will always be something fishy to say. No matter what, you got everyone’s attention! That’s what you do, girl!”

– January 15, 2022, Chad Cummins

After Lescai replied to the online hate, she saw that many of the people who had said bad things about her had taken down their comments. We hope that more people will think twice before putting others down online. You did great, Lescai. Your one-of-a-kind style is beautiful and amazing!

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