Am I Wrong for Calling Out My Wife for Firing Our Teenage Babysitter?

A father is confused when his family has a heated argument over a trusted babysitter’s choice during a normal day. He goes to Reddit for help. The man got home early and found a mess. He saw his wife crying because she was so mad at their young babysitter. When he found out why, he stood up for the teen, which put their marriage at risk.

Just like any other day, Daisy, the teenage babysitter, made a choice that put the father of the family in the middle of a sudden family problem.

He went to Reddit to get help and clarity after coming home to a very tense scene: his wife was having a heated fight with Daisy, who was upset and crying, and their kids were clearly upset by all the noise.

Because of Daisy’s situation, he had to help her, which caused a fight between him and his wife over how the situation was handled. The event brought up underlying tensions and upset the family’s normal peace, which made the father look for help dealing with the difficulties of responsibility, trust, and resolving disagreements within the family.

The man said that Daisy, a 16-year-old maid who worked for him and his wife, had been helping them for years.

The girl had been taking care of the couple’s daughter and two boys since the oldest was a baby. She would help the grandparents take care of the kids, and the couple would give her some money for her help.

A young woman who is happy and has a little girl who is smiling on her lap | Source: Shutterstock
At age 16, she had already become close with the two older kids, and it was clear that they loved her. The youngest, who is 7 months old, also seemed pretty happy with Daisy, the father said.

When Daisy went from being an extra helper to being the main babysitter, her duties and the family’s reliance on her skills changed in a big way.

The event took place on a Friday, when things didn’t go as planned because the kids’ creche was closed for repairs. Daisy agreed to watch the kids from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm, taking over for their grandmother, who was taking care of them earlier.

Every day, the man got home from work at six, but that day, he left earlier and got there at half past five. When he got back, though, he found a scene of unplanned chaos.

When he got home, his wife’s voice was loud and angry, Daisy was crying as she said she was sorry, and the sound of their children crying could be heard far away. The mood was tense, confusing, and upsetting—not at all like the calm reunion he had been hoping for.

In the end, he found out that someone had called 911…

A young woman on the phone Shutterstock is the source.

He asked his wife what was going on because he was interested in what all the noise was about. She told him that Daisy was wasting their money.

Daisy’s wife threatened to call the police and wouldn’t pay the young babysitter for the day, which made things even worse for her. The teen was told to leave the house and never come back.

Daisy cried as she ran out of the house, and the man left his wife to calm down. He ran to where his kids were crying in another room and tried to make them feel better.

“My wife doesn’t agree with me that Daisy did the right thing,”
Even now, the man had no idea what had led to the fight. In the end, he found out that someone had called 911. His wife told him all the specifics.

Daisy’s 911 call was the main cause of the chaos that day. The youngest child had spells where they couldn’t breathe in the past. He had a strange habit of stopping his breath when he was in pain or angry, which would sometimes make him pass out.

The family knew what to do when these spells happened; they knew that a gentle touch or just waiting a few moments would fix the problem. The baby would usually get better quickly, or a light blow to the face would help him start breathing properly again. In the worst cases, he would pass out or his skin would turn blue, but he would wake up in a few seconds.

A baby who is upset | Source: Shutterstock

Sadly, Daisy had not been told this important piece of information, so she was not ready when the scary thing happened while she was watching.

Daisy called 911 because she was scared and wanted to make sure the child was safe. The subsequent argument started with this choice, which was made out of worry and a lack of information about the child’s condition. Given how much emergency medical services cost, the mother thought the call was pointless and a waste of money.

When the father figured out what was causing the fight, he and his wife had different points of view. “I think Daisy did the right thing, but my wife doesn’t,” the man wrote on Reddit, expressing sympathy for Daisy’s situation and backing her choice to be safe in this case. His wife’s response, on the other hand, was angered by what she saw as an overreaction and what it meant.

Their disagreement turned into a heated fight in which both sides said hurtful things. The immediate result was a short-term separation, with the wife deciding to stay with her mother to think about what her husband really wanted from their relationship. This mental and physical distance between them showed how deeply the event had split them.

A woman with a pram and a baby looks at a man who has his back to her. Shutterstock is the source.

The Reddit community came together after the father shared his story to give their thoughts, tips, and opinions. There were a lot of different answers, but there was one clear theme: most readers didn’t like what the wife did to the maid, who wasn’t even at fault.

One reader said, “Your wife is truly, truly awful, and I hope you’re having her read these responses.” Another asked, “Is she usually like this?” It’s scary how mean and abusive people can be to a 16-year-old who was only trying to help your child. I would worry about your kids too.

Many people said Daisy’s response was because she didn’t know that the baby had a history of holding their breath. “How could Daisy know what to do and what was going on if no one told her?” asked one reader. She has nothing to do with this [?]. “OP is NTA, and the wife is awful.” Someone else agreed and said, “Better safe than sorry.” Daisy did the right thing even though she didn’t have all the facts. She dialled 911.

“OMG THIS…this is your child and you’re worried about the cost of an ambulance?” was another comment that made fun of the mother’s choices.

Most of the people agreed that Daisy’s firing was wrong. “Daisy is owed an apology, her full pay, and a good reference for her next babysitting job,” said I reader. Someone else said, “Agreed,” which meant they agreed. Daisy will never be able to sit for OP again because she seems to have good sense.

Sharing his story on Reddit wasn’t just the father’s way of looking for support or help; it was also a way for him to see things from different points of view. Talking about his story can lead to bigger conversations about babysitters’ duties, how important clear communication is, and what to do in emergency scenarios involving kids.

It also shows how important it is to believe, both in the babysitter’s judgement and in the ability of parents to help each other through tough times. The story also talks about the emotional and practical difficulties of handling family problems, how stress can hurt relationships, and how to make peace.

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