Unexpected Savior: The Pizza Delivery Guy Who Rescued Me from Disaster

A delivery guy wrote a note on a pizza box for me. It turned out that he saved me from a terrible marriage.

Emily put in an order for pizza while her fiancé was out of town. She didn’t know that the message she would get would ruin her life. She had no idea that giving birth would save her from a bad marriage.

Living with Jake felt like a good pace. I felt safe in our little apartment, which had a mix of chairs with soft covers. Jake and I have built a routine around small joys over the last three years. What’s my name?

One of the most popular was ordering pizza from the same nearby restaurant on lazy evenings. It was the norm. Jake would look through the movie lists while I called our favorite pizza place.

Tom, the delivery guy, knew all of our names. His visits were always on time, right down to the happy “How’s it going?” that echoed through our small hallway. But I was by myself tonight. The quiet wasn’t as quiet as usual because Jake was out of town for work.

I only ordered one of my usual pepperoni and extra cheese pizzas. I thought Tom would answer the knock, but there was something off about him this evening. He seemed to be shaking a little as he gave me the pizza box, and his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

Emily, it’s getting dark. Is Jake not here tonight? Tom asked with a little shaking in his voice.

As I tried to sound happy, I said, “No, it’s just me tonight.” Tom stomped his foot, nodded, and walked off way too quickly.

As I shut the door, I was annoyed by what he did. Did he feel okay? I ignored my worry and brought the warm package into the kitchen. The smell of tomato sauce and garlic filled the air, which really did make you feel like you were getting hugged.

But when I opened the package, my heart skipped a beat. A black Sharpie was used to write on the inside lid of the box, “He is not who you think.” Take a look at the door camera.

I felt cold fear come over me all of a sudden, and the pizza didn’t look so good. I put the box down, and my hands started to shake. The happy noise in the apartment stopped, and silence came over. What was I going to find on that camera?

I shook my hand while trying to use the iPad that controlled our door camera. The note in the pizza box sent chills down my spine, and the seconds it took to open the app seemed like they went on forever. As I went through the camera’s past day by day, I caught my breath.

Then I saw it.

Jake, my Jake, met a woman at our door. But this woman wasn’t like other women; she laughed out loud as she gave him a bottle of wine. My heart broke. I kept scrolling. Another day, another woman carrying a stack of movies.

Jake seemed to always have something to do when I wasn’t around. Different women, and each visit was well caught on camera by the hilariously placed one for our safety.

I didn’t move when the iPad fell to my lap. My mind was going fast. How did he do it? When did this act become something we always did together? Tears made it hard for me to see, and each video clip hit me like a knife in the chest. Had all of my feelings for him and hope in him been for one side only? Did I happen to be the only one in this?

With every laugh and glass of wine the women shared, I felt like the room was getting smaller and the walls were going in on me. I had loved living with you and this place before, but now every room smelled like betrayal.

As the truth hit me like lead in the gut, I began to feel sick and a knot began to form in my throat. This wasn’t just a simple mistake or misunderstanding. The betrayal was planned and continued. As I made fists with my hands, my fingers were poking my palms.

Tears ran down my face, made hotter by the anger that mixed with my sadness. To ask him to explain, I had to face him. But first I had to put myself back together by putting together the pieces of my pride that were broken. I had to hide how broken I was from him.

In order to help myself, I had to be tough. I no longer felt the love I thought we shared; I felt a hard, cold anger instead. Jake had to give me a full explanation, and I was going to make sure I got it.

Jake went back to his apartment, which was as quiet and nervous as a fog. I sat at the kitchen table and looked at the pictures that the door camera had sent to my mind. He smiled at me with his usual relaxed attitude, even though I was upset.

“Hi, Em.” He hung up his coat and said, “Missed you.”

I didn’t look back. “Let’s talk.”

Jake jumped when he saw the smile. “What’s wrong?”

When I raised the iPad, I saw a break in a picture of him and one of the women. “Would you mind explaining this?”

Jake shrugged and let his shoulders fall as he looked at the TV. “Emily, you’re making things worse than they are.” They’re just friends.

“Friends?” I got angry. Are there new women every time I leave? Like it really is, Jake?”

He groaned as he combed his hair. “Look, Em, you’re acting rather strangely.” These women don’t matter.

“Nothing?” I spoke up, even though I tried to look calm, my anger was boiling over. “How do you say that?”

Jake’s tone got harsh. “I have a lot to offer this project.” Are you really that scared that you want to throw this away?

That was it. His arrogance and disdain made what I was feeling very clear. “Jake, it’s not fear when I have proof.” I don’t understand this. I won’t marry someone who doesn’t think much of me.

Jake’s face turned serious as his pride turned to fear. “Are you sure?” For some silly reason?”

Say “Yes” in a loud, clear voice. “I am done.” “That’s it.”

He gave me a quick look, then took off his coat and walked away. The door shut behind him quickly, and that was the end of it.

Before calling the pizza business, I took a few minutes to think things over completely by myself. Tom answered.

It’s Emily and Tom. I… I wanted to show my appreciation. In terms of Jake, you were right.

The phone rang briefly. “I’m truly sorry, Emily.” I thought you should know about it.

I really meant what I said when I said “thank you.” “May I get you a coffee sometime?” So as to talk?”

Tom said, “I’d like that,” and the warmth in his voice made me feel better.

It seemed like a long time ago when I saw Tom at the local café the next day. I was scared to face Jake. For the first time in a long time, I felt like Tom saw me when he looked at me with genuine worry in his eyes.

“Thank you for being honest with me, Tom.” As we sat down with our coffees, I said, “It must have been hard to choose to tell me.”

He nodded. Oh yes, Emily. But I didn’t think it was right to keep it from you. Everyone has the right to know the truth.

It hit me how closely my identity was tied to my connection with Jake as we talked. When I sat down next to Tom, I felt a wave of freedom and potential wash over me. This person valued being honest over being simple to use. A strange kind of hope filled the air, and it woke me up.

We changed the subject from something important to something fun, and soon we were laughing. After taking such a hard hit, I didn’t think I would feel this light. It was a reminder that sometimes better things can be made from the ruins.

As we laughed together, I felt like a weight had been taken off my shoulders. After being inside for too long, it felt like a breath of fresh air.

“I never thought a pizza delivery could change my life,” I told Tom. The way he smiled showed that he got it.

He told her, “Emma, life is strange. You never know when you’ll need help.” His eyes were kind.

As we left the café, I felt a new sense of hope. I was ready to move on to the next step and look forward to what came next. I was going back to happiness piece by piece, even though I had no idea what was going to happen next.

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