16-Pound Giant Baby Made Headlines In 1983, But Wait Till You See Him Today

Patricia Clarke, who was 24 years old at the time, got pregnant in 1983. She quickly knew that her baby would be big.

Because she had already had a child, she knew that her family had a lot of children. However, the sheer size of the baby she was carrying came as a total surprise.

Patricia had a baby boy named Kevin Robert Clark. He weighed over 16 pounds, which is a huge baby. He may have been the biggest baby ever born at Community Memorial Hospital or in all of New Jersey at the time.

Kevin’s parents were glad to see that he was healthy, even though he was too big for a regular crib and his clothes were too small for him.

As one would expect, his size was clear right away. After appearing on shows like “Saturday Night Live” and “Good Morning America,” he became famous all over the country.

Begin by being an excellent model.
Kevin wasn’t ready to leave the spotlight yet, though. New York Post says he was 5 feet 7 inches tall when he was 12 years old.

When he started junior high, he was 6 feet 5 inches tall. After that, he continued to grow.

The Post quoted Kevin as saying, “Every day someone asks me how tall I am.”

People often joke that I’m 5 feet 21 inches tall. I ask people who ask if I play basketball if they play small golf.

There are 40 years between Tom and now. He now lives with his 6-foot-tall wife and Great Dane. He used to be in the army.

People just don’t bother him about being taller than them. He actually does it with his huge pace. Tom was recently measured to be 6 feet 9 inches tall.

Get more information about his amazing story by watching the movie below:

You must have found it hard to grow up with people staring at you and asking questions since you were born into the spotlight.

But Kevin seems to be handling things pretty well… For his future, we hope the best!

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