My Wedding Day Shock: Mom Stole the Spotlight in Her Own Bridal Gown

When I got to my wedding, I saw my mom in a wedding dress holding a bouquet.

From the time Nicole began planning the wedding, her mother had become very active. She does what Nicole tells her to do and steps back. Still, for some reason, her mother gets a call telling her to wear a wedding dress, which she does on the day of the wedding. Nicole gets very angry when she finds out that someone has used her mother’s feelings against her and wants to hurt her. This is how the story goes from here…

Once Peter and I got engaged, I told myself that planning our wedding would be easy and stress-free.
I didn’t lie around thinking about getting married like other girls my age did. I just knew that cupcakes would be important for my wedding party when the time came.

That was the end.
Because of this, I always knew that I would need my mother’s help on the real event. No one in my family was married, so my mom could plan a wedding for herself at the same time as my wedding.

When they started dating, my mom got pregnant without planning to.

My dad packed up and moved out before I was even born of course.

While we were looking for a wedding dress, my mom told me, “But that’s just a thing of the past, Nicole.”

“Are you happy with Anthony now?” I asked her while I saw her looking at two specific gowns. It was clear that my mom was looking at herself in those dresses because I didn’t like them.
I knew that she sometimes daydreamed about getting married, even though she had been happily married to Anthony for a long time.

Still, she was a little too eager to help me choose the cake, the flowers, and even the layout of the reception table as we planned my wedding.
I called her “Mom” because she was leaning over my wedding notes. “You should back off a bit.”

She smiled at me and nodded her head in agreement. which made me feel scared right away.
It looked like the gentle push she needed, though. She did take a step back because she only checked in with Anna, my wedding planner, to finish making plans.

On the day of my wedding, I ate bananas while sitting on the balcony of my hotel room. I got the idea from seeing women on TV. When that happened, I began to feel more and more excited.
I was finally getting married.

But nothing could have prepared me for what I had to do today.

My hair and makeup artists met me at the church early in the morning to give me a last-minute change before I walked down the aisle.

When I walked into the bride’s dressing room, my excitement quickly turned to fear.

My mom was sitting by the floor-length mirror in a full white wedding gown. She had a pair of shoes in her hand.

“A mother?” What’s going on? When do you spend your time?

I was so taken with my mom’s real, bright smile for a moment that I forgot everything else.

“Isn’t it amazing?” she asked as she slowly turned around. “You called me and asked me to come to the wedding with you. I couldn’t believe it because you had never told me about it before.

“Who did you call?” As I was getting a little dizzy, I asked.
Over time, she became more aware, and her smile became less steady.

“Hey honey, this is your wedding planner.”

“Anna?” I was confused and asked. “She didn’t bring it up when we talked last night.”
My mom said, “I think so,” but she wasn’t sure.

I grabbed my phone right away and asked Anna to explain herself. It was rude to joke around like this. This would drive me crazy if Anna was involved.

She said, “No, Nicole.” “My boss did want your mom’s phone number; it wasn’t me.” I agreed to the request because I thought it was fair.
“Your boss?” I asked. I have, however, only worked with you. “Who is in charge of you?”

She called out, “Miranda James.”

It was almost like my heart had stopped beating. I knew what the name was. That’s what Peter used to be called.
I left my mom in the changing room and went to find Peter. For some reason, I knew that something wasn’t right. If she was his ex, it made sense that she would try to ruin our day.

Miranda had gone to many of the events Peter and I were at together over the years to try to win her back.
When I found Peter, he was putting on clothes. He made a mean face when he saw my face, but he smiled when he saw me in my wedding dress.

“What’s wrong?” was his question.

I talked about the whole thing.
He told them, “Please come.” “Let’s visit her office.”

We gave our wedding party power and told them to figure out what was going on. Anna quickly picked up the phone and ran to the church, where I asked her to help my mom change back into her old clothes and tell her what was going on.
We saw Miranda sitting in front of her computer, looking cocky and happy with herself.

Peter asked straight out, “Why?”

“I thought it would be fun to surprise you,” she told him with a shrug.
He told them, “This is low even for you.” “You had no right to get in the way of our wedding.”

For a few minutes, they fought back and forth. Eventually, I decided to cause Miranda the same pain and shame that I was sure my mother was feeling at church.

I quickly made a movie on my phone to set the scene and show how important Miranda was to the whole thing.
Everyone we hired to help with the wedding was tagged in the social media post I made.

The answer came right away.

As Peter and I made our way back to the church, where we planned to get married, my phone kept going off with messages about Miranda’s rude behavior.
Five minutes before my wedding, I saw that Miranda’s online reputation had taken a big hit from the mean comments people had made about her actions.

As she stood in the doorway, I turned around and said, “Mom.” I’m really to blame. Everything. I know how excited you were before.
My mom was happy, even though she had a sad smile on her face that was hard to see.

“It’s okay, love,” she said as she brushed my hair away. Even if you hadn’t told me, it would have been clear that it was a joke. Nicole, let’s get married.

It was her that gave me my flower.
Peter gave my mom a tight hug as she walked me down the aisle with pride. Her eyes were shining with happiness.

The only thing Miranda could do was call my mom, which is good because our wedding went well. Anna was in charge of everything else.
While Peter and I were on our vacation, things got even better. A lot of wedding planners started getting in touch with me with free offers to help us plan our big day.

During our drink hour on the beach, Peter made a joke about Miranda, saying that she was a shame to the job of wedding planner.
I replied, “Well, everyone is trying to show that they’re better than her.”

“My spouse sighed and said, ‘I’m sorry, but I just can’t handle the stress of another wedding.'”

“Neither am I,” I told myself. Still, I think I will say yes to the offer. My mom deserves the wedding of her dreams. It was also something she was ready for. Our only job is to let Anthony know.
He laughed when he saw my face, but then he got serious. To surprise my mom, I was determined to make this work.

Because of this, I worked secretly with a new event organizer. Everything was planned exactly the way she wanted it. Her dream cake, her favorite flowers, and her dream wedding dress were all just right.
We went to the place on the day of the surprise under the cover of my in-laws’ anniversary party. When my mom realized what was going on, she came running over, crying and shocked.

Although I was helping her put on her dress, I told her, “This is for you.” “It’s all for you.”

My mom sniffed and nodded.

She finally got her chance. What we did brought us closer together.

Jane can’t wait to start her new life as a wife, even though she still loves her holiday glow. A conversation between her husband and his friends, on the other hand, shows her how dull he really is. Will Jane stay put, or will she change into the good woman Wayne wants?

The events and people in this work are made up for artistic reasons, but they are based on real events. No names, characters, or details have been used in this story to protect privacy and make it better. The author doesn’t mean for there to be any similarities or connections with real people, living or dead, or real events.

There are no promises that the events or characters are true, and the author and publisher are not responsible for any confusion. All the characters’ points of view are shown in this story; they do not reflect the author’s or publisher’s views; the story is told “as is.”

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