If you think about it, the lives of popular actors are pretty hard to understand. There are always shootings going on, and you have to move from city to city every so often. You also have to avoid journalists who are looking for double meanings in everything you say or do. Because of this, a lot of partners have divided up.

This is not a trend, though; it’s just a pretty common thing that happens. There are some famous pairs who are still together. Ryan Reynolds and his wife, Jennifer, and John Travolta and his wife, Kelly Preston, are two very good examples of this.

A movie house in Kelly’s neighborhood had a Grease poster where she saw Travolta for the first time. Right away, she fell in love with him. That’s what she told everyone she knew after seeing the movie: she would only marry this man. Since Preston was only 16 years old at the time, no one paid attention to what she said.

In 1990, the two people who would later become married started dating. Fans of John’s were looking forward to good fights. She was trying to get into Hollywood, and he was famous for his love of love. They were a strange couple. Everyone was shocked by them.

Kelly was married when John and she met in 1987. It’s too bad that they could only be friends at that time. Three years later, though, the stars ended up in the same hotel, even though they had been in different movies. That was already after Preston’s marriage ended.

At first, they only talked every night, but then they started going on dates, and they would often leave during those times. John proposed to his love on Christmas Eve.

He says his wife is a lot like him in that she loves to fly, dance, and eat tasty food. He believed Kelly had the power to make any man delighted.

It happened in the Church of Scientology on September 5, 1991. They were married in America, but it was against the law. The couple wasn’t ashamed by this; a week later, they planned a second wedding in Florida that followed all the rules.

Strangely, John and Kelly quickly became the perfect family. There was nothing interesting for the paparazzi to find when they kept following the lovers. Soon, no one would remember this pair.

Their son was born in 1992 and was called Jett. It turned out that the child had Kawasaki disease after all. He almost had to miss work to care for the baby. Travolta finally had a big break, but he didn’t forget about his family. He could still see his wife in movies from time to time, but not in lead parts.

Kelly told us the secret to a happy marriage. She said that staying in touch and being a little fun are very important. That means you should enjoy each other, play games, and go on dates often.

Later, newspapers and magazines started calling John “henpecked.” His lover often got him expensive gifts, and when he was at work, he would call her every half hour just to hear her voice.

Even though there were some small risks, the picked one’s wife had two more children. It would have been easy to say that their family life was perfect, but something bad happened. In 2009, the oldest child died.

In these kinds of events, parents of children often have to be apart, but in our story, the heroes showed that they love each other and want to be together in both happiness and sadness. Their 28th wedding anniversary was at the beginning of September!

Not many regular people can say that; keeping a relationship going for so many years is a lot of work, and stars almost never do it.


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