A story about how many men she had been before him! The answer is…

It’s possible that our partner will be asked about things at some point in our relationship. We might want to ask them a more important question or find out what they would do if we died.

People often talk about how many partners a man and a woman have had before they get together in the early stages of a relationship. This is a common subject, but it’s not an easy one.
The next joke was about a guy and a woman who met that end, but it went too far. You will find the conclusion funny if it is said in a different way. You only need to read it.
The partner brings it up and tells her it’s okay to tell him. How many guys have you been with? The wife keeps looking up but doesn’t hear anything.

The husband or wife says, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you,” acknowledging that what he said may have upset the wife. I only had to believe that we could be honest and dependable with each other.

He still talks to his wife, but she has stopped. Because they feel beaten, the partner gives up and says, “That’s okay; don’t be mad.”

His wife doesn’t listen when he tries to comfort her. In an effort to make things better, the partner shows his love by giving her a tight hug and kiss.
It looks like the wife finally speaks up at this private time. She looks at her husband from the sky, and her face changes into an angry one. Oh, please move faster! She blurts it out and looks a little annoyed. It’s your fault that I lost my count!

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