It was going on for a few years that a rich guy was seeing an Italian woman. They told each other they were pregnant one night during one of their dates. He offered to pay her a lot of money if she would give birth in Italy. He didn’t want to hurt his image or his marriage.
He would also pay child support until the child turned 18 if she stayed in Italy. She agreed, but she didn’t understand how he would know when the baby was born.
He told her to send him a postcard and write “Spaghetti” on the back so it wouldn’t be obvious. His next step would be to set up child support. After about 9 months, he came home to find his wife confused. “Honey,” she told him, “you got a really weird postcard today.” He said, “Oh, just give it to me, and I’ll explain it later.”
The husband read the card, turned white, and passed out. His wife did what he said and watched. “Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti” was written on the card. One without meatballs and two with them.