A young woman who had lost her husband would go to his grave once a week to water the flowers. After that, she always walked away with her back to them. I can tell you had a lot of respect for your late husband because you watched a young man who had been watching her for a while. I love how you don’t turn around when you leave. “All right, sir, my husband.”
We always laugh when we hear a good joke, and the one that comes next will make your whole day better.
In real life, some women do marry much older men so they can get their fortune. The woman in this story is one of these women.

She went to her husband’s grave once a week to honour him and water the flowers. But every time she left the graveyard, she turned her back on her.
Every week, a young man who saw this couldn’t help but talk to her.
There’s no doubt that you respected your late husband a great deal. I love how you don’t turn around when you leave. What he said.
He couldn’t believe what the woman said when she looked right into his eyes.
In any case, sir, my wife used to say that I had a behind that could bring the dead back to life. I don’t want to take any risks.
That’s funny, right?