A plumber fixed the boiler of a 91-year-old terminally ill woman and billed her $0

Meet James, the plumber with a heart of gold, whose mission is spreading warmth by fixing plumbing issues for the elderly and vulnerable without charging a penny.

In every neighborhood, there’s a need for lending a helping hand, but it’s the elderly and those with disabilities who often need it most. Unfortunately, they’re often hesitant to ask, fearing they’ll be seen as a burden.

James, hailing from Liverpool, believes in providing “free plumbing for life” to his customers because, as he puts it, “We need to be a human race, to look out for each other.” His philosophy is simple yet profound: community first.

Despite the internet spotlight shining on him, James remains humble, insisting that his actions are a collective effort. He doesn’t seek personal glory; instead, he finds fulfillment in knowing he’s made a difference.

For James, the reward lies in the warmth he feels inside. “It makes me feel human, humble, and a little giddy inside,” he shares. His dream is to expand his services beyond Burnley, hoping to establish Depher branches across the country.

The recent attention his acts of kindness have garnered could be the catalyst needed to realize this dream. With other plumbers offering to lend a hand, James envisions a nationwide network of compassionate plumbing services.

James’s story has touched many hearts, including that of Bruce Drury, a fellow plumber who applauds James’s example. Bruce acknowledges the challenges of their profession but emphasizes the importance of giving back, especially to the elderly, who deeply appreciate such gestures.

In the grand tapestry of community, James is a shining thread, weaving kindness and compassion into the fabric of society—one plumbing repair at a time.

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