My Sweet Revenge on My Ex-Fiancé

Hi everyone, I’m Nikki, and I have a story about how sometimes karma needs a little nudge. It all began when I spotted my ex-fiancé, Mark, dining at a fancy restaurant with another woman. What should have been a regular night out turned into an opportunity for some sweet revenge.

Here’s a bit of background: I was engaged to Mark five years ago. After three years of dating, I was head over heels for him, envisioning a future together. Mark seemed just as smitten and often reassured me of his love. But then, just as we were deep into wedding plans, he abruptly ended things.

His reason? I “wasn’t good enough” for him. He had gotten a big promotion and suddenly decided he needed someone more sophisticated to match his new status. He said I lacked ambition and drive. It was absurd and deeply hurtful. For months, I was a wreck, struggling to move on from the relationship.

Fast forward to now: I’m 35, happily single, and thriving in my career. One Saturday, I decided to treat myself to dinner at a new upscale restaurant. As I approached the entrance, I saw Mark through the window, looking smug as ever, laughing with a stunning woman.

This was my chance. I felt a surge of anger and inspiration hit me. I asked the waiter for a favor, flashing him a polite smile. “Hi, I need your help. See that man over there? He’s my ex-fiancé. Could you assist me in pulling off a little prank?”

The waiter, intrigued, leaned in. “What do you have in mind?” he asked.

“Let’s start with a bottle of your most expensive champagne and a note,” I replied, feeling excited.

He nodded. “What should the note say?”

I grinned. “To Mark, who always settles for second best.” The waiter chuckled and went to carry out my plan.

From my table, I watched as the waiter delivered the champagne and note. Mark’s face turned crimson, and his date looked confused. He tried to explain, but she didn’t seem convinced.

Next, I decided to escalate. I called the waiter again. “Send them an appetizer that he’s allergic to,” I said, “with another note.”

The waiter looked at me but didn’t ask questions. “And the note?”

“A simple reminder of what you’re not allowed to have,” I replied, feeling a bit vindictive. He nodded and left to execute the next part.

I watched eagerly as the appetizer was served. The woman’s confusion turned to irritation, and Mark looked like he was about to lose it. He was struggling to keep his composure.

For my final act, I called my friend Sarah, who lived nearby. “Sarah, I need a huge favor. Can you come to the new restaurant downtown? I need you for my revenge plan.”

Twenty minutes later, Sarah arrived just as Mark was starting to crack. She walked over to their table and loudly exclaimed, “Oh my God, Mark! Since that dating course last month, I haven’t seen you! How’s your fiancée? Did she agree to the open relationship?”

The entire restaurant went silent. Mark’s date, Clara, looked horrified. “Mark, what is she talking about?” she demanded.

Mark stammered, trying to explain, but it was too late. Clara, furious, grabbed her purse and stormed out. “I can’t believe I wasted my time on you,” she said.

I savored every moment from my table. To cap it off, I walked over to Mark. “Hi Mark,” I said, enjoying his shock. “Guess I wasn’t so ‘not good enough’ after all, huh?” He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, speechless.

I walked out, feeling victorious and lighter than I had in years. A few days later, I learned through a mutual friend that Clara and Mark had broken up that night. Apparently, he’s been trying to piece together what went wrong ever since. Meanwhile, I’ve moved on and am happier than ever.

So, that’s my story. Sometimes, getting even can be incredibly satisfying, especially with a side of humiliation. Don’t you agree? Thanks for reading!

Like Nikki, Phoebe’s seemingly perfect life was upended by an unexpected revelation. While her spouse was blissfully oblivious to her plans, she decided to reclaim her freedom and protect her future rather than letting pain and fury consume her.

Although this tale has been dramatized for effect, it draws inspiration from real people and events. Names, characters, and details have been changed for privacy and narrative purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The publisher and author disclaim any liability for misinterpretation and make no claims about the veracity of the events or character portrayals. This story is presented “as is,” with the characters’ opinions being their own and not those of the publisher or author.

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