My Twin Sister Seduced My Fiancé by Pretending to Be Me on My Wedding—My Response Was Harsh

Nina crafted a plan for revenge after her twin sister Emma deceived her husband Luke on their wedding night, leading to a shocking betrayal. With the help of a homeless man turned into a fake tycoon, Nina orchestrated a public humiliation that threw Emma’s world into chaos.

I had eagerly awaited my wedding day for a long time. A week before the big event, Luke and I visited my parents’ house to finalize the details. We were discussing the plans in the kitchen when my mom brought up a touchy subject.

“Nina,” my mom said, glancing up from the invitations. “I noticed Emma’s name isn’t on here.”

I stiffened. I hadn’t spoken to my twin sister Emma in years, and I didn’t want her at my wedding. “You know how I feel about Emma, Mom. She’s self-centered and jealous. I don’t want her there.”

Mom sighed. “She’s still your sister, honey. It wouldn’t feel right without her.”

My dad nodded in agreement. “Nina, family is important. Give her a chance.”

Reluctantly, I agreed. “Fine. I’ll invite her.” Inside, I dreaded it, but I wanted to keep the peace.

The wedding day arrived, and it was perfect. We rented a beautiful countryside hotel for three days of celebration. The flowers were gorgeous, the sun was shining, and everyone was in high spirits.

To my surprise, Emma and I hit it off. She seemed different—kinder. “Nina,” she said warmly, “I’m really happy for you.”

“Thanks, Emma,” I replied, wondering if she had really changed.

As the night progressed, the younger crowd kept partying while the older guests began to leave. There was plenty of dancing and drinking. The atmosphere was joyful.

Emma approached me with a mischievous grin, holding two matching gowns. “Remember these? Let’s dress the same, like when we were kids!”

I laughed. “Why not? For old times’ sake.” We changed into the matching outfits and styled our hair the same way. It was fun and nostalgic.

Later, I realized I hadn’t seen Luke in a while. I searched the room but couldn’t find him. A sense of unease crept over me. “Has anyone seen Luke?” I asked around, but no one knew.

I started searching the entire hotel, my heart pounding. I checked the dance floor, the bar, and even the pool area. Finally, I heard muffled voices from a room. My heart sank.

I pushed the door open and saw Emma and Luke together, disheveled and in a compromising position. My world shattered.

“Luke?” I whispered, my voice trembling. They didn’t hear me. Tears filled my eyes, and I fled the hotel, my vision blurred.

I found a quiet spot outside and collapsed on the grass. The cool night air didn’t calm me. I cried, burying my face in my hands. How could they do this to me?

I don’t know how long I sat there, but eventually, Luke found me. “Why are you crying? You looked so happy last time I saw you.”

I turned to him, my face full of hurt. “That wasn’t me, Luke. That was Emma pretending to be me.”

His eyes widened in shock. “What? Emma? Are you serious?”

“Yes,” I said, wiping my tears. “She tricked you. But we can’t tell anyone. Not yet.”

Luke nodded slowly, trying to process everything. “Okay, what do we do?”

“We stay quiet,” I replied, my pain turning into determination. “And I’ll find a way to make her pay.”

The next day, while everyone was asleep, I told Luke I needed to go to the city for a few hours. He trusted me and agreed. I headed to the city, plotting my revenge. Then I saw a homeless man on the street and had an idea.

“Hi,” I said with a smile. “Would you like a haircut and some new clothes?”

He looked at me, surprised but grateful. “Sure, ma’am.”

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Edward,” he replied, still in shock.

“Edward, I need your help with something,” I said. “I’ll explain on the way.”

I took him to a barbershop, where they cleaned him up and gave him a stylish haircut. He looked like a new man. Then we rented him a fancy, expensive suit.

As we sat in the lobby, I asked gently, “What happened to you, Edward?”

He looked at his hands, a pained expression on his face. “I used to own shares in a successful business. My business partner tricked me into signing away my shares. I lost everything—my home, my savings. I had nowhere to go and ended up homeless.”

“That’s terrible,” I murmured, feeling a wave of sympathy.

Edward nodded. “It was tough. But I survived. I never gave up.”

Back at the hotel, I introduced Edward to everyone as an old friend. “This is Edward,” I said, smiling. “He’s a very wealthy and successful businessman.”

Emma’s eyes lit up when she saw him. She started flirting and hung on his every word. “So, Edward, what do you do?” she asked, batting her eyelashes.

“I own a chain of hotels across America and the world,” he replied smoothly.

Emma was captivated. She spent the whole day with him, and they eventually ended up in her hotel room. She thought she had found a rich, powerful man.

The next day, in front of all the guests, I asked Edward to propose to her. He agreed and got down on one knee. “Emma,” he said, holding out a ring. “Will you marry me?”

Emma’s eyes sparkled with excitement and greed. “Yes!” she exclaimed.

The guests cheered, but Edward stood up and looked at Emma seriously. “I need to tell you something. I’m not a successful businessman. I’m just a regular homeless man.”

Emma’s face turned pale. She looked around in panic. “What? This can’t be true!”

“It is,” he said simply.

Emma’s face contorted in embarrassment and anger. She stormed out of the hotel, leaving everyone in stunned silence.

Edward turned to Luke. “Thank you so much for everything. If there’s anything I can do to repay you…”

Luke smiled. “Actually, there is. How about working for my company?”

Edward’s eyes widened in surprise. “Are you serious? That would be amazing.”

Luke nodded. “We could use someone with your resilience and determination.”

Edward agreed, and Luke hired him on the spot.

With Emma gone, I felt a sense of justice. She had tried to ruin my happiness, but all she did was ruin herself. Luke and I were stronger than ever, ready for our new beginning.

Although this story has been fictionalized for artistic purposes, it is inspired by real people and events. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the story. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The publisher and author disclaim all liability for any misinterpretation and make no claims about the veracity of the events or character portrayals. This narrative is presented “as is,” with the characters’ opinions being their own and not those of the publisher or author.

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