My Stepmom Wore White to My Wedding and Said She ‘Deserves Attention Too’ – But My Husband Taught Her a Lesson She’ll Never Forget

Alexandra braced herself for drama when her stepmother, Linda, arrived at her wedding in a white dress, demanding the spotlight. Little did Linda know, Alexandra’s husband had a plan to turn the tables in a spectacular fashion.

“These flowers have to be perfect,” Linda fussed over the arrangements. “It’s such an important day for our family.”

I tried to stay calm, sipping my tea at the dining room table.

My dad smiled, “Linda has a great eye for these things,” he said.

Feigning a smile, I replied, “You’re right, Linda, they do look lovely.”

Linda became my stepmother after my mom passed away when I was ten. She always loved being the center of attention, and today was no different.

As she meticulously arranged the flowers, it felt more like a performance. I couldn’t help but wonder what role she’d try to play at my wedding.

“Are you excited about the wedding, Dad?” I asked, hoping to change the subject.

His eyes sparkled, “Very excited, Alexandra. It’s going to be a beautiful day.”

Linda chimed in, “Yes, and everything has to be perfect. We don’t often have events this significant.”

I nodded, but deep down, I knew Linda would find a way to make the day all about her. She always did.

I met my best friend and maid of honor, Sarah, at the wedding planner’s office. She hugged me, “Why does the bride look so glum?”

“I guess I’m just nervous.”

“Don’t worry, today will be amazing! Come on, let’s go inside.”

We met Grace, the wedding planner. “Well, your stepmother insisted on giving a speech at the reception and wants to sit in the front row,” Grace said.

I was stunned. We had already discussed this. “Isn’t that usually for the bride’s parents?” Sarah asked.

Grace nodded, “Traditionally, yes. Your father will be in the front row, and you’ve reserved a place for your late mother.”

I sighed, frustration bubbling up. “She always puts herself first. She probably has a grand show in mind.”

Sarah leaned in, “We need to be ready for whatever she’s planning.”

Grace looked concerned, “How would you like to handle this, Alexandra?”

I thought for a moment, “Can we tell her the front row is reserved for my parents and suggest she sit in the second row?”

Grace nodded, “I’ll speak with her. And about the speech?”

I shook my head, “She shouldn’t be giving a speech. This day is about my mother’s memory and our marriage.”

Sarah agreed, “We can find another speaker, maybe someone from your mother’s family?”

Feeling a bit better, I nodded, “That’s a good idea. Let’s make sure the speeches are meaningful.”

Grace made some notes, “I’ll take care of it. We’ll make sure everything goes smoothly.”

I shared my worries with Tom when I got back to our apartment. “Linda is determined to steal the show,” I said, putting down my bag. “She’s insisting on giving a speech and sitting in the front row.”

Tom hugged me, “We’ll handle it together. Don’t worry.”

I sighed, “It’s not just that. She always makes everything about her. She’s even trying to take over the roles meant for my mother. I want to keep my mother’s memory alive by reserving her spot in the front row. Linda’s going to ruin our wedding.”

Tom smiled reassuringly, “Trust me, I have a plan. It’ll surprise everyone and keep the focus on us and your mother’s memory.”

Intrigued, I asked, “What kind of plan?”

He kissed my forehead, “Trust me. It’ll be a surprise. Just know it’ll keep the attention where it belongs.”

I sighed, feeling slightly better but still nervous, “I hope so. I just want everything to go smoothly.”

Tom squeezed my hand, “We’ll get through this together.”

The wedding day arrived, and as I was getting ready, Sarah burst into the room, looking pale. “You won’t believe this,” she whispered, pulling me to the window.

There was Linda, in a full-length white bridal gown.

“What the…?” I couldn’t believe it. “Linda, what are you doing? You can’t wear white to my wedding!”

She smiled, unapologetic, “Oh, darling Alexandra, you’re young. You have your whole life ahead of you. This might be my last chance to feel like a bride. I deserve this attention.”

I was furious, but Tom pulled me aside, whispering, “Trust me, we’ll deal with this.”

As the ceremony progressed, Linda sat in the front row, basking in the attention. Grace looked helpless, but I trusted Tom.

When it was time for the speeches, Linda stood up, ready to steal the show. But Tom grabbed the microphone first. “Ladies and gentlemen, before we continue, I’d like to share a special video tribute to Alexandra’s late mother.”

The lights dimmed, and a beautiful montage of my mother played on the screen. The room filled with love and tears. Linda’s expression changed from pride to shock.

Tom gave me a knowing look, “Today is about honoring your mother and our love. No one can take that away.”

He then turned to Linda, “Linda, could you join us up here?”

Linda, thinking she was going to be honored, approached with a smug smile.

“Today, we’ve decided to let Linda shine even more,” Tom said. Then, another slideshow began, showing Linda earlier that morning, sneaking into my bridal suite, trying on my veil and stealing flowers.

The room gasped, and Linda’s face turned red. Tom wasn’t finished. He had arranged for her ex-husband to speak, revealing her past antics.

Linda, humiliated, hurried out of the hall. Tom and I smiled, knowing we had taught her a lesson. She got the attention she craved, but not in the way she wanted.

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