Luke, a six-year-old boy, surprised his mother, Amy, with an unexpected revelation about having a twin at school.

Amy had enjoyed a fulfilling life with her husband, Jeff, and their son, Luke. Their family was happy and content.

One afternoon, after returning from school, Luke eagerly shared his day with Amy.

“Mom,” Luke began, “I swear—”

“What did we say about swearing?” Amy gently reminded him.

“Mom,” he continued, “I’m telling you, Luna is my twin sister!”

“Luke,” Amy replied, puzzled, “You’re an only child, sweetheart.”

“No, Mom! I’m serious. Luna and I share the same birthday, and we look alike. Even the teachers think we’re twins.”

As Amy cooked, Luke excitedly talked about Luna—her favorite activities, clothes, and foods.

“Mom, she’s awesome. You’d really like her!” Luke said enthusiastically.

With Jeff still not home, Amy assumed Luna was just a special friend to Luke.

“Do you have a photo of Luna?” she asked. Luke dashed to his room and returned with the class photo. When Luke pointed out Luna, Amy noticed an uncanny resemblance between the two children, which even confused her mother-in-law.

“Why don’t we invite Luna over?” Amy suggested. “If her mom agrees, you two can have a playdate.”

“Do you think she’ll come?” Luke asked eagerly.

“I’ll talk to her mom tomorrow when I drop you off,” Amy reassured him with a smile.

When Jeff came home from work, he was too exhausted to discuss the day’s events and went straight to bed after dinner. Amy, unable to sleep, lay awake until morning.

The next day, Amy met Luna’s mother, Penelope, after dropping Luke at school. They arranged a playdate.

“Luna talks about Luke all the time,” Penelope said. “This will be great for them to spend time together outside of school.”

When the playdate day arrived, Jeff was home. Seeing freshly baked cookies, he asked, “What’s going on? Are we having guests?”

“Yes,” Amy replied, deciding to keep the details to herself.

When the doorbell rang, Luke opened the door, and Luna rushed in, shouting, “Daddy!” Jeff turned pale as he saw Penelope and Luna.

“I told you she was my sister!” Luke exclaimed. Penelope was equally stunned.

As the children played, the adults sat down to talk.

“It was a long time ago, Amy,” Jeff began. “Just before we found out you were pregnant with Luke.”

Amy learned about Jeff’s brief affair years ago, and the truth came out. Penelope remained silent as Jeff spoke.

“So, you knew?” Amy asked. “The whole time, you knew?”

“I had to meet her,” Jeff explained. “There was nothing else I could do.”

“I told Jeff to keep it a secret,” Penelope said. “I didn’t mind being a single mother to Luna, and my family supported me.”

“I never wanted this to happen,” Jeff added.

“Why would you put the kids in the same school?” Amy questioned. “Did you think their paths wouldn’t cross?”

Penelope replied, “Jeff didn’t know about the school. I enrolled Luna recently. Jeff knows very little about my daughter—that’s how he wanted it.”

Feeling overwhelmed, Amy went outside to check on the kids. She watched Luna and Luke playing together. Though her trust in Jeff was shaken, she agreed to attend couple’s counseling for the sake of their son, despite her broken heart.

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