Paul Harvey Scarily Predicted The Future in 1964. Now Listen to His Prophetic Words 55 Years Later

Looking back, it’s rare for predictions about the future to hit the mark, but Paul Harvey, the iconic radio personality, remarkably foresaw many aspects of our current world back in 1964.

Harvey predicted that the wealthy would be consumed by greed, a significant portion of the population would be numbed by drugs and alcohol, nations would experience internal conflicts, and incurable diseases would spread among people.

These predictions, while harsh, resonate with today’s reality both symbolically and literally. Greed is more rampant than ever, addiction issues are widespread, and we face ongoing challenges with war and disease. Harvey’s notion that the devil’s influence is pervasive rings true in various aspects of modern life.

Paul Harvey’s insights about the future proved to be eerily accurate. His predictions remind us that when we see negative trends, it’s our responsibility to address and correct them before they worsen.

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