A Wedding Tale of Love, Betrayal, and Unexpected Revelations

Linda felt proud of how she had raised her son, Connor. He was about to marry a wonderful girl, Carrie, and they had exciting plans to start a business together. But what was meant to be a joyous celebration took a dark turn, thanks to a shocking revelation from Carrie’s maid of honor, Susan.

Linda always prided herself on being a good mother. She taught Connor to respect others, help those in need, and be a gentleman. So, when Connor introduced Carrie to the family, Linda welcomed her with open arms, never imagining that their wedding day would turn into a nightmare.

Curious about Carrie’s background, Linda did some discreet investigating. Carrie seemed modest: she drove an old car, used public transport when needed, and never asked Connor for lavish gifts. Her presents to Linda’s family were tasteful but not extravagant. Occasionally, Carrie would treat herself to a spa weekend or a fancy meal, which Linda thought was perfectly normal.

Linda was taken aback when she and her family were picked up by a luxury car to meet Carrie’s parents. It turned out that Carrie’s father owned a successful construction company. They explained that although they didn’t fund Carrie’s daily expenses, they would support her if she wanted to start her own business and would also cover her dream wedding costs.

This arrangement excited Connor, who had always dreamed of starting a tech company but lacked the funds. Carrie was supportive and eager to discuss their business plans, even suggesting they meet with investors right after the wedding. Linda was thrilled to see them so united in their dreams.

However, as the wedding day neared, Linda noticed a change in Carrie. She seemed anxious and strained, despite trying to meet Connor’s business expectations. When Linda expressed her concerns, Carrie brushed them off, leaving Linda to wonder if there were family issues or even a potential pregnancy. She decided to let the couple handle their problems.

On the wedding day, Carrie’s anxiety was palpable, but Linda attributed it to the presence of many influential guests invited by Carrie’s father. During the reception, Linda noticed a tense argument between Susan and Connor, but she chose not to intervene.

When it was time for speeches, Susan, the maid of honor, began with the usual pleasantries before dropping a bombshell. “Carrie, you’ve been my best friend for years. Unfortunately, I haven’t been a good friend to you. Connor and I have been having an affair for months!”

The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to Carrie, who stunned everyone with a loud, almost maniacal laugh. “Wow, Susie,” she said. “Thank God you confessed. I thought I’d have to do it myself!”

Carrie then revealed she had suspected the affair and installed hidden cameras in her house. She had caught Susan and Connor together on video. Grabbing the microphone from Susan, Carrie announced that, thanks to her father, they had drawn up a prenuptial agreement that Connor had signed without reading. The agreement stipulated that infidelity would leave him with nothing.

“But don’t worry,” Carrie added with a smirk. “I laced your cake with a slow-acting laxative! Enjoy your first night together!”

Chaos erupted as guests ran to the toilets or spat out their cake. Carrie’s family watched the scene unfold from a distance. Confused, Linda was reassured by Carrie. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Green. You’ve always been kind to me. You’re safe to enjoy the cake.”

Leaving the wedding, Linda felt shattered, realizing she didn’t truly know the man she had raised.

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