My boyfriend conveniently “forgets” his credit card every time we go out to eat, so… – read here

A woman took to Reddit seeking advice on whether she had overreacted in a recent situation with her boyfriend. She explained her dilemma and asked for opinions about her actions.

The woman recounted how her boyfriend’s children loved dining out, so they made it a weekly tradition. However, every time they went to a restaurant, her boyfriend conveniently “forgot” his wallet, leaving her to cover the bill. Initially, she didn’t mind, but after footing the bill multiple times in the past month, her finances were stretched thin.

One evening, after receiving payment from her second part-time job, she anticipated another dinner out with her boyfriend and his kids. Expecting the usual wallet mishap, she sent him a text reminding him to bring it. He laughed off her message. Once at the restaurant, the children ordered several expensive items.

Before they started eating, she asked her boyfriend if he had remembered his wallet. He feigned surprise, patting his pockets and then sheepishly admitted he had left it in another pair of jeans. He asked if she could cover the bill again.

Fed up, she decided to leave the restaurant without eating. Her boyfriend, confused, asked where she was going. She told him she was tired of paying for their meals and left.

Later, he called her, accusing her of being selfish for abandoning him and his children at the restaurant. She explained that it wasn’t fair for her to always pay for their meals. He argued that he had genuinely forgotten his wallet and accused her of lacking empathy. He added that he had to cancel their order and take his children home hungry because he couldn’t afford the meal.

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