They Had Been Trying to Have a Child for Six Years, but When the Woman Got Pregnant, the Man Ran Away.

A woman who had been struggling to conceive for six years finally got the news she had been waiting for—she was pregnant. Thrilled, she decided to share this joyous moment with her boyfriend on his 30th birthday. His reaction, however, left her stunned.

The 26-year-old woman had been with her boyfriend for a decade, and they had both planned to start a family. When she shared her experience on Reddit, the community was quick to criticize her boyfriend. A month later, she updated everyone on what happened after confronting him.

The woman, known as the Original Poster (OP), had been feeling unwell for a few days but couldn’t visit a doctor due to her busy schedule. On the morning of her boyfriend’s birthday, she finally went to her appointment. To her delight, the doctor confirmed she was pregnant after checking her vital signs and asking a few questions.

Overjoyed, she decided to keep the news to herself until she could share it as a special birthday surprise. When she got home, she found her boyfriend deep in conversation with a friend. Wanting privacy, she tried to pull him aside, but he brushed her off. Unable to contain her excitement, she blurted out the news in front of everyone. His reaction was far from what she expected. He angrily accused her of ruining his day, insisting that his birthday was supposed to be all about him.

OP shared on Reddit that her boyfriend left after the outburst and returned ten days later with shocking news. He wanted to break up, admitting he was interested in another woman. He even offered her money to have an abortion, which she refused. He then gave her two weeks to find a new place to live.

She also revealed that her boyfriend had never wanted to get married, claiming it was unnecessary to prove their love. He had also discouraged her from attending college since it was far from home.

This experience made OP realize the importance of standing up for herself rather than being a “doormat” for others. She noted that some people around her didn’t appreciate this newfound self-awareness, saying she had changed from the “sweet innocent” person they once knew.

Most Reddit users sympathized with OP, believing her boyfriend was at fault. They felt he should have been honest about not wanting a child from the start, instead of pretending to share her dream.

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