Do you remember the boy born without a brain? Doctors didn’t believe he would survive, but his journey is nothing short of a miracle. You will be amazed when you see the photos in the comments!

Shelley Wall was three months pregnant when she learned that her unborn son had hydrocephalus, a condition where fluid accumulates in the brain, and spina bifida, a rare spinal defect. The prognosis was grim—doctors said the baby was unlikely to survive and, if he did, he would face severe physical and mental challenges. They also mentioned that he had a significant hole in his spine.

Despite these daunting predictions and the option to terminate the pregnancy, Shelley and her partner Rob decided to continue. They were fully aware of the difficulties and potential humiliations their child might face, but their decision stood firm.

Shelley even prepared for the worst, getting a small coffin ready for Noah. At birth, Noah’s skull was severely misshaped, and his brain was mostly filled with fluid. Medical professionals found that about 98% of his brain tissue was damaged. The outlook was bleak, and the parents were told to brace themselves for any outcome. However, Noah had other plans for his life.

Noah was born in 2012, defying all odds and baffling medical experts. He was born without a functioning brain and with a malformed spinal column. The recommendation was clear: terminate the pregnancy to avoid the baby’s suffering. But Shelley’s mother opposed this advice, and five years after Noah’s birth, the BBC aired a remarkable story about this extraordinary boy.

Against all predictions, Noah’s brain began to develop!

Today, Noah Wall is a living testament to a medical miracle. His doctors, who initially gave him little chance of survival, are now astonished by his progress. Noah can write, speak, and count to ten, showing no signs of mental health issues.

Here is Noah five years after his birth.

Noah’s father believes he might one day walk. Despite his spina bifida, which means he currently uses a wheelchair, there is hope after numerous painful and complex surgeries that he may eventually walk.

Noah’s parents’ unwavering faith has worked wonders. Contrary to doctors’ forecasts, Noah is now four years old and continues to bring joy to his family.

Initially, doctors expected Noah would be incapable of any meaningful activity. But then, something incredible happened: Noah’s brain began to grow!

Noah’s case is truly one of the most extraordinary in medical history. His recovery has turned into a fascinating natural experiment, and physicians are observing and learning from his remarkable progress.

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