Simon Marks, a 37-year-old man, stumbled upon an extraordinary secret in his own home. Despite living in the house for years, he had no idea what lay hidden beneath his feet. It wasn’t until his car got stuck in what he thought was a flowerbed that he made a remarkable discovery.
As he investigated the issue, he found a metal piece underneath the driveway pavers. With the help of his father, they uncovered an old rusty ladder leading to an underground space. To their surprise, it was an air raid shelter built during World War II.
These shelters were designed to protect people from bombings, and it’s believed they were invented by Sir John Anderson. Marks’ shelter was likely filled in by the previous owner when the house was built.
Marks and his father plan to restore the shelter, recognizing its historical significance. They believe it’s essential to preserve this piece of history, even if it’s a reminder of a difficult past.
Marks’ discovery went viral, captivating many with his incredible find. His story serves as a reminder that history can be hidden in plain sight, and uncovering it can be truly remarkable.