Viral Math Puzzle Stumps Internet: Can You Solve It?

A children’s math question recently took the internet by storm, sparking intense debate and curiosity. Posted on Reddit by user @yawdmontweet from Jamaica, the puzzle asked: “What is the closest time to midnight?” with four choices: A. 11:55 a.m., B. 12:06 a.m., C. 11:50 a.m., and D. 12:03 a.m.

This seemingly simple question gained over 1.4 million views and generated numerous interpretations. Most users agreed on option D, 12:03 a.m., as the closest to midnight. However, some argued for option A, 11:55 a.m., due to different interpretations of “closest time to.”

The discussion showcased diverse viewpoints, with some turning to AI like ChatGPT for answers. The chatbot confirmed option D as the closest time to midnight.

The debate highlighted how a simple question can reveal complexities and differing perspectives, proving that puzzles remain a popular way to engage and challenge minds online. What’s your answer, and do you think there could be multiple correct responses?

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