Tragedy Strikes: Teenager Loses Life After Phone Falls in Bathtub

A heartbreaking incident in Italy has left a community in mourning after 16-year-old Maria Antonietta Cutillo tragically passed away. The teenager was taking a bath at her family home in Montefalcione while her parents were away, when she dropped her phone in the water while on a call with a friend.

The phone, which was plugged into a nearby outlet to charge, short-circuited, resulting in electrocution. Emergency services rushed to her home after her friend became concerned when the call cut out, but unfortunately, Cutillo was found dead upon their arrival.

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An autopsy at the Moscati Hospital in Avellino confirmed electrocution as the cause of death. Local police investigated the incident, which occurred in May 2023.

Cutillo’s friend took to TikTok to share a poignant tribute, remembering their last call and the laughter they shared. The friend expressed how much they miss Cutillo, saying, “You were a spectacular friend… I have your image fixed in front of my eyes.”

This tragic incident is a stark reminder of the dangers of using electronic devices near water. In February, 27-year-old Wanchai Deengam from Thailand lost his life after falling asleep with his phone charging. His brother, Somkuan Changsarn, had warned him about the risks but never thought it would happen to his sibling.

These heartbreaking stories serve as a warning to be cautious when using our devices, especially near water. Let us remember Maria and Wanchai, and may their stories save lives in the future.

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