A Simple yet Brilliant Trick to Ensure Food Safety After a Power Outage

Have you ever returned home from a trip or evacuation to find your digital clock reset, leaving you wondering if your food is still safe to eat? A clever trick shared by Sheila Pulanco Russell on Facebook can put your mind at ease.

The “one cup tip” is a game-changer for anyone who’s been away from home for an extended period. Here’s how it works:

Fill a cup with water and place it in your freezer until it’s frozen solid.

Put a quarter on top of the frozen water.

Leave the cup in your freezer until you return home.

When you come back, check the cup. If the quarter has fallen to the bottom, it means your food has defrosted and refrosted, making it unsafe to eat. But if the quarter is still on top or in the middle of the cup, your food might be okay.

This trick is a lifesaver, especially during power outages or evacuations. It’s a simple way to determine if your food has been compromised, giving you peace of mind and helping you avoid foodborne illnesses.
Share this brilliant tip with your loved ones, and it might just make a difference in someone’s life. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and discard any questionable food. Stay safe!

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