A Call to Action: Rejecting Satan’s Influence in Our Culture

In a recent interview with Human Events’ Jack Posobiec, Michael Cassidy, a courageous Christian veteran, shared his passionate plea with Americans to reevaluate their cultural values and reject the influence of Satan.

Cassidy’s urgent call to action comes after he boldly dismantled the Satanic Temple’s statue of Baphomet at the Iowa State Capitol, sparking a mixed response from the public.

While some have applauded his stance against Satanism, others have sent him hate mail, revealing a disturbing tolerance for darkness. Cassidy shared a poignant example of a father who was upset that he could no longer show his daughter the satanic idol, highlighting the alarming desire to expose children to such darkness.

Cassidy firmly believes that the presence of satanic icons in public spaces can have far-reaching consequences, emphasizing the need to keep them out of public view. He stressed the importance of shaping the beliefs of the younger generation, as they are impressionable and will carry those beliefs throughout their lives.

In a world where values are often tested, Cassidy’s unwavering commitment to his faith serves as a powerful reminder to reflect on our beliefs and consider the impact they have on the future of our society. His simple yet heartfelt message is clear: reject Satan and embrace Jesus Christ.

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