A Heartbreaking Heroism: Father’s Ultimate Sacrifice to Save Twin Daughters

In a tragic incident at Carlton Railway Station in Sydney, a father’s bravery has left the community in awe. On Sunday, July 21, a stroller carrying his two-year-old twin daughters rolled onto the train tracks, and the father risked his life to rescue them.

Security footage showed the family’s joyful moments before the tragedy struck. The father, who had recently moved to Australia from India, attempted to save his daughters as the train approached. He leaped onto the tracks, but unfortunately, he and one of the twins were fatally struck.

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The other twin was rescued by emergency services, who heard her cries from underneath the train. The mother, though shaken, was physically unharmed.

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Police and the premier of New South Wales have praised the father’s selfless act, calling it an “incredibly brave and heroic” sacrifice. Investigations are ongoing, but the incident is not believed to be suspicious.

The community, particularly the Indian community, has rallied around the grieving family, offering support and condolences.


This heartbreaking incident serves as a reminder of the unconditional love and sacrifices parents make for their children. Our thoughts are with the family and all those affected by this tragedy.

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