The Greatest Hero America Never Knew

As I, David Feherty, recently became an American citizen, I was reminded of the unsung heroes who have shaped this nation. One such individual is Col. Robert Howard, a Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient whose remarkable story was largely unknown to me until recently.

My journey to discover Howard’s legacy began when I met an Army Ranger who chose to visit the ailing colonel instead of joining me on a hunting trip. Intrigued, I delved into Howard’s history and found a man who embodied courage and selflessness.

With three Medal of Honor nominations, two Distinguished Service Crosses, and numerous other awards, Howard’s heroism was undeniable.

Despite his impressive record, Howard’s story was shrouded in mystery, partly due to classified missions and the controversy surrounding the Vietnam War. Unlike other Medal of Honor recipients, Howard didn’t receive widespread recognition or accolades.

Determined to learn more, I planned to meet Howard in Waco, but unfortunately, he passed away before I could. His obituary received scant attention, a mere whisper of a man who deserved a deafening roar of recognition.

Col. Robert Howard’s story is a testament to the unsung heroes who have served this nation. It’s time to honor his legacy and ensure that his sacrifices and bravery are remembered for generations to come.

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